Release Notes
The SketchUp API has been around in some fashion since the early days of SketchUp, and with every release we have extended its capabilities. Read below for what's been changed.
Though our adoption rate to the latest version is quite high, it can take time after a release before everyone upgrades. If you are building scripts that rely on functionality from the most recent version, be sure to check the Sketchup.version to make sure your users are able to run your script:
# You do something like this in the initialization routine of your extension.
version_required = 16
if (Sketchup.version.to_f < version_required)
UI.("You must have Sketchup 20#{version_required} to run this "\
"extension. Visit to upgrade.")
# Your stuff...
Build Numbers
Here are the build numbers for recent SketchUp releases. Note that build numbers in languages besides English are larger for each release, so it is best to check for builds that are greater than or equal to the numbers here.
SU2025.0 = 25.0.571 on Windows 64-bit, 25.0.570 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2024.0.2 = 24.0.594 on Windows 64-bit, 24.0.595 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2024.0.1 = 24.0.553 on Windows 64-bit, 24.0.554 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2024.0 = 24.0.484 on Windows 64-bit, 24.0.483 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2023.1.3 = 23.1.340 on Windows 64-bit, 23.1.341 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2023.1.2 = 23.1.315 on Windows 64-bit, 23.1.314 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2023.1.1 = 23.1.313 on Windows 64-bit, 23.1.312 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2023.0.2 = 23.0.419 on Windows 64-bit, 23.0.418 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2023.0.1 = 23.0.397 on Windows 64-bit, 23.0.398 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2023.0 = 23.0.367 on Windows 64-bit, 23.0.366 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2022.0.1 = 22.0.354 on Windows 64-bit, 22.0.353 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2022.0 = 22.0.316 on Windows 64-bit, 22.0.315 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2021.1.2 = 21.1.332 on Windows 64-bit, 21.1.331 on Mac 64-bit. (Contained no Ruby API changes)
SU2021.1.1 = 21.1.299 on Windows 64-bit, 21.1.298 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2021.1 = 21.1.279 on Windows 64-bit, 21.1.278 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2021.0.1 = 21.0.391 on Windows 64-bit, 21.0.392 on Mac 64-bit. (Contained no Ruby API changes)
SU2021.0 = 21.0.339 on Windows 64-bit, 21.0.338 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2021.0 = 21.0.114 on Windows 64-bit, 21.0.113 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2020.2 = 20.2.172 on Windows 64-bit, 20.2.171 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2020.1.1 = 20.1.235 on Windows 64-bit. (Contained no Ruby API changes)
SU2020.1 = 20.1.229 on Windows 64-bit, 20.1.228 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2020.0 = 20.0.133 on Windows 64-bit, 20.0.134 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2019.3 = 19.3.253 on Windows 64-bit, 19.3.252 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2019.2 = 19.2.222 on Windows 64-bit, 19.2.221 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2019.1 = 19.1.174 on Windows 64-bit, 19.1.173 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2019 = 19.0.685 on Windows 64-bit, 19.0.684 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2018 M1 = 18.1.1180 on Mac 64-bit. (Contained no Ruby API changes)
SU2018 = 18.0.16975 on Windows 64-bit, 18.0.16976 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2017 = 17.0.18899 on Windows 64-bit, 17.0.18898 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2016 = 16.0.19912 on Windows 64-bit, 16.0.19911 on Windows 32-bit, 16.0.19913 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2015 M2 = 15.2.685 on Windows 64-bit, 15.2.687 on Windows 32-bit, 15.2.686 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2015 M1 = 15.1.106 on Windows 64-bit, 15.1.105 on Windows 32-bit, 15.1.104 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2015 = 15.0.9350 on Windows 64-bit, 15.0.9351 on Windows 32-bit, 15.0.9349 on Mac 64-bit.
SU2014 M1 = 14.1.1282 on Windows, 14.1.1283 on Mac.
SU2014 = 14.0.4900 on Windows, 14.0.4899 on Mac.
SU2013 M2 = 13.0.4812 on Windows, 13.0.4811 on Mac.
SU2013 M1 = 13.0.4124 on Windows, 13.0.4123 on Mac.
SU2013 = 13.0.3689 on Windows, 13.0.3688 on Mac.
SU8.0 M2 = 8.0.11752 on Windows, 8.0.11751 on Mac.
SU8.0 M1 = 8.0.4811 on Windows, 8.0.4810 on Mac.
SU8.0 = 8.0.3117 on Windows, 8.0.3161 on Mac.
SU7.1 M2 = 7.1.6860 on Windows, 7.1.6859 on Mac.
SU7.0 M1 = 7.0.10247 on Windows, 7.0.10246 on Mac.
SU7.0 = 7.0.8657 on Windows, 7.0.8656 on Mac.
SU6 M6 = 6.4.265 on Windows, 6.4.263 on Mac.
What's new in SketchUp 2025.0
Ruby API Additions and Improvements
Made Sketchup::Licensing.get_extension_license automatically try to fetch a license from Extension Warehouse if needed.
Added support for Snaps:
Added support for PBR materials:
Added Sketchup::Pages#reorder.
Added Sketchup::Style#path.
Added support for environment lighting (IBL):
options to Sketchup::View#draw_text and Sketchup::View#text_bounds for consistent font size across platforms. -
Added constants for the valid values for Sketchup::View#corner:
Upgraded CEF (used by UI::HtmlDialog) to version 128.
Fixed issue of Sketchup::Styles#selected_style= for case where trying to set the the Sketchup::Styles#selected_style= to the Sketchup::Styles#active_style.
Breaking Changes - Per Monitor DPI support
SketchUp 2025.0 introduced support for different DPI per monitor on Windows.
Related to this we have made changes to the Ruby API such that all screen coordinates are now in logical pixels. These changes are applied across Windows and macOS. Note that in this release only the Windows build will update the application DPI scaling factor to match the monitor the window is on.
arguments and return values for screen coordinates that are in pixels have been changed to be logical pixels. This means that the values are now scaled by UI.scale_factor(view)
The old UI.scale_factor
will return 1.0
as a compatibility shim.
These changes should require no or minimal changes to extensions. We also expect that many extensions that were never made DPI aware to now behave better with different DPI settings.
Added Sketchup::View#device_width returning physical pixels.
Added Sketchup::View#device_height returning physical pixels.
Added optional option to Sketchup.resize_viewport:
Sketchup.resize_viewport(model, width, height, logical_pixels: false)
Added overload to UI.scale_factor:
Changed UI.scale_factor always return
as a compatibility shim. This should ensure that existing extensions that tookUI.scale_factor
into account continue to work without modifications. -
Changed Sketchup::View#center to return logical pixels.
Changed Sketchup::View#corner to return logical pixels.
Changed Sketchup::View#draw2d to use logical pixels.
Changed Sketchup::View#inputpoint to use logical pixels.
Changed Sketchup::View#pick_helper to use logical pixels.
Changed Sketchup::View#pickray to use logical pixels.
Changed Sketchup::View#screen_coords to return logical pixels.
Changed Sketchup::View#vpwidth to return logical pixels.
Changed Sketchup::View#vpheight to return logical pixels.
Changed Sketchup::PickHelper#do_pick to use logical pixels.
Changed Sketchup::PickHelper#init to use logical pixels.
Changed Sketchup::PickHelper#window_pick to use logical pixels.
Changed Sketchup::InputPoint#pick to use logical pixels.
Changed Sketchup::Tool mouse events to use logical pixels.
Changed Sketchup::Overlay mouse events to use logical pixels.
Ruby API Bug Fixes
Fixed SketchUp 2024 regression in Sketchup::View#draw2d with GL_POINTS that draw the points in model space instead of view space.
Fixed SketchUp 2023-2024 regression in Sketchup::Face#area reporting incorrect value when there are glued components on the outer loop.
What's new in SketchUp 2024.0.2
Update OpenSSL to 3.2.2
The version of OpenSSL in Ruby was updated to 3.2.2.
What's new in SketchUp 2024.0.1
No Ruby API changes.
What's new in SketchUp 2024.0
Ruby API Additions and Improvements
Added support for export option
for Layout::Document#export. -
Added rendering options support for Ambient Occlusion:
Sketchup::RenderingOptions keys added:
Sketchup::RenderingOptionsObserver constants:
Sketchup::RenderingOptions#[]= will now raise an
if the given value cannot be set for the given key. This is a breaking change since earlier versions of the API would not indicate any failures for such erroneous calls.
Ruby API Bug Fixes
Fixed issue on Mac where UI.create_cursor would provide an incorrect hotspot
Fixed regression in Sketchup.resize_viewport introduced in SketchUp 2023.1 on Windows.
Fixed Layout::Entity#move_to_layer when moving an entity from a nonshared layer.
Changed Sketchup::Model#close to set focus to the next open model window on macOS.
Fixed regression from SketchUp 2023.1 with the Ruby Console on Windows where new-line character was incorrectly added to the end of
What's new in SketchUp 2023.1
Ruby API Additions and Improvements
Added method Layout::Document#render_mode_override
Added method Layout::Document#render_mode_override=
Added constant Layout::SketchUpModel::NO_OVERRIDE
Added method Layout::SketchUpModel#output_entities
Added method Layout::PageInfo#image_display_resolution
Added method Layout::PageInfo#image_display_resolution=
Added method Layout::PageInfo#image_output_resolution
Added method Layout::PageInfo#image_output_resolution=
is no longer a supported value in the export options dictionary. Instead, use Layout::PageInfo#output_resolution= and Layout::PageInfo#image_output_resolution=. -
Added method Sketchup::ArcCurve#circular?
What's new in SketchUp 2023.0.2
Ruby API Bug Fixes
Fixed issues with Sketchup::Entities#erase_entities incorrectly throwing and
claiming an instance was open for editing.
What's new in SketchUp 2023.0.1
Ruby API Bug Fixes
Fixed issues with UI.inputbox and UI.messagebox not being modal.
Fixed issue where new Ruby toolbars might not show up by default.
What's new in SketchUp 2023.0
Overlays are a new SketchUp API capability which allows developers to persist extension behaviors while you are using other tools. Effectively, extensions can now continue to analyze, visualize, and create information in the modeling window as you continue evolving a SketchUp model using other native tools and extensions. Previously, extension developers were limited to drawing information to the modeling window only when their extension had a tool active .
Update OpenSSL to 1.1.1o
The version of OpenSSL in Ruby was updated to 1.1.1o.
Ruby API Additions and Improvements
Added Sketchup.resize_viewport
Made Sketchup.require skip
files that aren't SketchUp scrambled Ruby files. This change is to avoid conflict with Ruby 3's introduction of.rbs
file extension for type definitions. ( -
Removed restrictions for Sketchup::View#load_texture that demanded it was only used when there was a Ruby tool on the tool stack.
Added class Sketchup::Overlay
Added class Sketchup::OverlaysManager
Added method Sketchup::Model#overlays
Added method Layout::AutoTextDefinition#sequence_type
Added method Layout::AutoTextDefinition#sequence_type=
Added constant Layout::AutoTextDefinition::SEQUENCE_TYPE_PER_DOCUMENT
Added constant Layout::AutoTextDefinition::SEQUENCE_TYPE_PER_PAGE
Added method Sketchup::ComponentDefinition#thumbnail_camera
Added method Sketchup::ComponentDefinition#thumbnail_camera=
Ruby API Bug Fixes
Fixed Sketchup::DefinitionList#load not loading component if the model already contained a different component associted with the same path.
Fixed crashes that could occur from erasing instances that was part of the current Sketchup::Model#active_path. The following methods will now raise an
when attempting to erase entities related to the active editing path: -
Fixed return value of Sketchup::EntitiesBuilder#valid? to correctly return
instead of0
for success. -
Fixed a bug where calling Sketchup::LayerFolder#parent on a top level tag folder returned an incorrect type.
What's new in SketchUp 2022.0.1
Ruby API Bug Fixes
In SketchUp 2022.0 a bug might lead to an available component definition name being incorrectly renamed. Or a name that should be unavailable would be duplicated. This was fixed in SketchUp 2022.0.1.
What's new in SketchUp 2022.0
We added a new interface, Sketchup::EntitiesBuilder, with the purpose of being able to generate bulk geometry with similar speed to Geom::PolygonMesh + Sketchup::Entities#fill_from_mesh but with the simplicity and per-entity control that Sketchup::Entities offer. This is particularly useful for importers where you can expect to see major performance improvements by switching from Sketchup::Entities#add_face to Sketchup::EntitiesBuilder#add_face.
Universal binary support on Mac
We now support universal binaries on macOS that run natively on both Apple silicon and Intel-based Mac computers.
Update OpenSSL to 1.1.1l
The version of OpenSSL in Ruby was updated to 1.1.1l.
Made Ruby Console output more consistent
Earlier versions of SketchUp printed the return values to Ruby Console commands different depending on platform. This has been made consistent following the pattern of Ruby's own IRB tool. A side effect of this is that the console now uses .inspect
instead of .puts
when printing the returned value which makes it less ambiguous in many cases. For example nil
vs ""
that would otherwise print a blank line in both cases.
Ruby API Additions and Improvements
Added method Sketchup::ComponentDefinition#save_copy
Added method overload to Sketchup::ComponentDefinition#save_as allowing saving the definition with an older versions of the file format
Added Layout::AutoTextDefinition#number_style, Deprecated Layout::AutoTextDefinition#page_number_style
Added method Layout::AutoTextDefinition#number_style=, Deprecated Layout::AutoTextDefinition#page_number_style=
Added method Layout::AutoTextDefinition#end_page
Added method Layout::AutoTextDefinition#end_page=
Added method Layout::AutoTextDefinition#start_page
Added method Layout::AutoTextDefinition#start_page=
Added method Layout::AutoTextDefinition#increment
Added method Layout::AutoTextDefinition#increment=
Added method Layout::AutoTextDefinition#sequence_format
Added method Layout::AutoTextDefinition#sequence_format=
Added method Layout::AutoTextDefinition#renumber
Added Layout::AutoTextDefinition::TYPE_MODEL_SCENE_DESCRIPTION
Added method Sketchup::Entities#build
Added class Sketchup::EntitiesBuilder
Added method UI::Command#proc
Added method UI::Command#get_validation_proc
Added method UI::Command#extension
Added method UI::Command#extension=
Added method Sketchup::AppObserver#onExtensionsLoaded
Ruby API Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug in UI::HtmlDialog#initialize where
were swapped whenuse_content_size
was set totrue
. -
Fixed a bug where UI::HtmlDialog position was set incorrectly when
was set totrue
. -
Fixed a bug in UI::HtmlDialog where
was not persisted (whenpreference_key
is set). Due to this bug, in some instances, HtmlDialog changed size when it was re-created. -
Fixed a bug on Mac where the size and the position of the UI::HtmlDialog were not persisted when SketchUp was closed without first closing the UI::HtmlDialog window.
Fixed a crash with UI.savepanel on Mac when using a filename with a
prefix;response = UI.savepanel('Save Image', nil, '*.png')
. -
Fixed “EntityInfo” not being a supported parameter for UI.show_inspector
Fixed “EntityInfo” not being being listed in UI.inspector_names
Fixed Sketchup::Face#uv_tile_at could return incorrect values in some edge cases.
What's new in SketchUp 2021.1.1
Ruby API Bug Fixes
Fixed regression in UI::HtmlDialog from SketchUp 21.1.0 where the methods on JavaScript's
object for registered action callbacks were missing after navigating away from the initial page.
What's new in SketchUp 2021.1
Upgrade Ruby to 2.7.2
For SketchUp 2021.1 we have upgraded the version of Ruby that we ship with SketchUp from 2.7.1 to 2.7.2.
Notable bug-fix in Ruby 2.7.2 is correcting a bug that prevented profiling tools such as ruby-prof from reporting correct results.
Update OpenSSL to 1.1.1k
The version of OpenSSL in Ruby was updated to 1.1.1k.
Ruby Console Improvements
The Ruby Console now remembers its visibility between sessions.
The Ruby Console was moved from the Windows menu to the new Developer menu.
Ruby API Additions and Improvements
Upgraded CEF (used by UI::HtmlDialog) to version 88.
Added key
to UI::HtmlDialog#initialize -
Added method UI::HtmlDialog#get_position
Added method UI::HtmlDialog#get_size
Added method UI::HtmlDialog#get_content_size
Added method UI::HtmlDialog#set_content_size
Added method Sketchup.focus
Added constant UI::HtmlDialog::CEF_VERSION
Added constant UI::HtmlDialog::CHROME_VERSION
Added method Sketchup::Face#clear_texture_projection
Added method Sketchup::Face#texture_positioned?
Added method Sketchup::Face#texture_projected?
Added method Sketchup::Face#uv_tile_at
Added method overload to Sketchup::Face#position_material allowing projected materials to be applied.
Added method Sketchup::DefinitionList#import
Added method Sketchup::Group#glued_to
Added method Sketchup::Group#glued_to=
Added method Sketchup::Image#glued_to
Added method Sketchup::Image#glued_to=
Added method overload to Sketchup::ComponentInstance#glued_to= allowing to glue to groups images, and components.
Increased display time for UI::Notification to 10 seconds.
Add a separator when a menu is added for the first time to a top level menu. This creates a visual distinction between built-in menus and that of extensions.
Added support for adding submenus to the Developer menu.
Geom::PolygonMesh is now faster when looking up points in large meshes. This also improve performance when adding points to large meshes. Note that the mesh need to be created with an estimated total number of points for this performance improvement to kick in. The lookup of points for large meshes are now O(logN) instead of O(N^2).
Ruby API Bug Fixes
Fixed crash when passing invalid parameters to Sketchup::Model#drawing_element_visible?.
Fixed UI::HtmlDialog#bring_to_front on Mac, such that calling the method sets focus on the HtmlDialog. This makes the behavior of the method consistent with that on Windows.
Fixed UI::HtmlDialog#set_size and UI::HtmlDialog#set_position on Windows, such that calling the methods doesn't set the focus on the HtmlDialog. This makes the behavior of the method consistent with that on Mac.
Fixed UI::HtmlDialog#set_can_close Mac implementation so that the callback provided can properly prevent the window from closing.
Fixed crash in Sketchup::Image#image_rep when the Image lacks a texture.
Fixed UI.show_model_info not showing the chosen page on Mac.
Fixed UI.show_model_info not supporting English page names on localized build on Mac.
What's new in SketchUp 2021.0
Upgrade Ruby to 2.7.1
For SketchUp 2021.0 we have upgraded the version of Ruby that we ship with SketchUp from 2.5.5 to 2.7.1. Developers should verify that their extensions are working as expected in this new version of Ruby.
Ruby API Additions and Improvements
Added class Sketchup::LayerFolder
Added method Sketchup::Layer#folder
Added method Sketchup::Layer#folder=
Added method Sketchup::Layers#add_folder
Added method Sketchup::Layers#count_folders
Added method Sketchup::Layers#count_layers
Added method Sketchup::Layers#each_folder
Added method Sketchup::Layers#each_layer
Added method Sketchup::Layers#folders
Added method Sketchup::Layers#layers
Added method Sketchup::Layers#purge_unused_folders
Added method Sketchup::Layers#remove_folder
Added method Sketchup::LayersObserver#onLayerFolderAdded
Added method Sketchup::LayersObserver#onLayerFolderChanged
Added method Sketchup::LayersObserver#onLayerFolderRemoved
Added method Sketchup::LayersObserver#onParentFolderChanged
Added method Sketchup::Page#layer_folders
Added method signature to Sketchup::Page#set_visibility:
Sketchup::Page#set_visibility(layer_group, visibility)
Added method Sketchup.redo
Added method Sketchup::ComponentDefinition#live_component?
Added new method signature to Sketchup.open_file:
Sketchup.open_file(filename, with_status: true)
This signature will open the new SketchUp file format if the format is newer. -
Deprecated old method signature:
Because opening a newer file format might lead to data missing, extension developers have to explicitly migrate to the new signature. This is to ensure that no extension inadvertently open and save a file without knowing of potential data loss. -
Added new method signature to Sketchup::DefinitionList#load:
Sketchup::DefinitionList#load(filename, allow_newer: true)
Added method Sketchup::Skp.read_guid for reading a model's guid without having to open it in SketchUp.
Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.1g.
Ruby API Bug Fixes
Fixed Sketchup::Texture#filename such that it appends a file extension matching the data format it was loaded from when the internal texture filename is missing the extension.
What's new in SketchUp 2020.2
Ruby and C Exchange API
To allow better interoperability of the Ruby API and C API within the SketchUp application we introduced the ability to exchange entities and image reps between the APIs.
Entities because it's a key type and ImageRep because it can be an expensive object to copy.
For more details refer to the C API documentation.
Ruby API Additions and Improvements
Added scope filter to Sketchup::Model#find_entity_by_persistent_id.
Ruby API Bug Fixes
Fixed Unicode characters not displaying correctly in the Ruby Console.
Fixed crash in UI::HtmlDialog when closing the dialog right after opening it.
Fixed DWG import option,
is ignored.
What's new in SketchUp 2020.1
Ruby API Additions and Improvements
Added Sketchup::Entities#weld
Deprecated Sketchup::Page#use_hidden?
Added Layout::Grid#show=
Added Layout::Grid#show_major=
Added Layout::Grid#show_minor=
Added Layout::Grid#print=
Added Layout::Grid#in_front?
Added Layout::Grid#in_front=
Fixed bug in Layout::LinearDimension#text where the display text of the copy returned the plain text instead
Fixed bug in Layout::AngularDimension#text where the display text of the copy returned the plain text instead
Fixed issues with Layout::SketchUpModel#current_scene and Layout::SketchUpModel#current_scene_modified? Unexpectedly raising an assert stating that “The most recently selected scene no longer exists”
Fixed Layout::Document#export documentation
Fixed Layout::SketchUpModel#render documentation
What's new in SketchUp 2020.0
Ruby API Additions and Improvements
Added Geom.tesselate that takes a set of loop points and return triangle sets.
Added optional
parameter to Sketchup::View#draw allowing polygons to be drawn with lighting. -
Added ability to draw textured polygons with Sketchup::View#draw and Sketchup::View#draw2d
Added optional
parameters to Sketchup::View#draw and Sketchup::View#draw2d. -
Added Sketchup::View#load_texture.
Added ability to vertically align text drawn with Sketchup::View#draw_text. New option parameter
can be set to one of the following values: TextVerticalAlignBoundsTop, TextVerticalAlignBaseline, TextVerticalAlignCapHeight or TextVerticalAlignCenter. -
Added Sketchup::View#text_bounds, returning the bounding box of the area SketchUp uses to draw text using Sketchup::View#draw_text.
Added Sketchup::Model#active_path= to allow the API to open an instance path for editing by the user.
Added new unit constants:
Added Sketchup::Layer#display_name - this will return
for layer0 while the old Sketchup::Layer#name will continue to return"Layer0"
. -
Additional entity types now return PIDs for Sketchup::Entity#persistent_id:
Deprecated Sketchup::ComponentDefinition#insertion_point and Sketchup::ComponentDefinition#insertion_point= as this feature was removed in SketchUp. It now returns the origin of the definition and the setter is now a noop.
Ruby API Bug Fixes
Fixed potential crash in UI::HtmlDialog's callbacks due to values not protected against Ruby's garbage collection.
Fixed model validation where it incorrectly flagged some valid UV mapping as invalid and reset it.
What's new in SketchUp 2019.3
Ruby API Bug Fixes
(Win) Updated libcrypto and libssl dlls to 1.1.1c.
Fixed UI.openURL to not perform URL encoding on Mac for cross platform consistency.
What's new in SketchUp 2019.2
Ruby API Additions and Improvements
option to Sketchup::View#write_image allowing control over the scale of viewport dependant elements such as text heights, arrow heads, line widths, stipple patterns, etc -
:source => :framebuffer
option in Sketchup::View#write_image that dumps the current frame as drawn in viewport. This has existed since SketchUp 7 -
Added the new area and volume unit settings to Sketchup::OptionsProvider
Added Sketchup.format_volume
Added constants to the Length class for area and volume units to be used with the OptionsProvider
Added checks to prevent Image materials from being assigned to normal drawing elements. Doing so will now throw an
Increased performance of PNG image export for colorized materials. Previously, it used to use max compression. Now we use a more balanced compression setting. This affects Sketchup::Texture#write as well as the texture writer. We also added some general optimizations for Sketchup::Texture#write. On a 4Kx4K texture we saw the processing time drop from ~50 seconds to ~6 seconds.
Added Sketchup::Tool#onMouseWheel event to the Sketchup::Tool interface
Ruby API Bug Fixes
Updated Ruby from 2.5.1 to 2.5.5 to address a logic bug in Ruby
Fixed possible crash in Sketchup::Entities#clear!
Fixed a bug in .skm serialisation where arrays in material attributes were not written out to file
What's new in SketchUp 2019.1
Ruby API Bug Fixes
Fixed the accepted types for the “point” in Sketchup::Entities#add_text
Fixed Sketchup::Model#save for
Fixed crash when
rendering_options["RenderMode"] = 4
What's new in SketchUp 2019
Upgrade to Ruby 2.5.1
We have upgraded from Ruby 2.2.4 to Ruby 2.5.1. These upgrades tend to introduce subtle changes to the Ruby language that sometimes are difficult for us to find in our internal testing. Our testing has not found any major compatibility issues between Ruby 2.2.4 and the new 2.5.1 and we expect the upgrade for most developers should be relatively straightforward. Please note that any compiled C extensions will need to be rebuilt. Ensure OpenSSL library calls are compatible.
Stipples and dots and dotted stipples, oh my! SketchUp has added a Dashes feature that allows for unique line styles to be applied and controlled at the Layer level. We have exposed this new feature in the Ruby and C APIs. See the Improvements and Fixes sections of each API for a list of classes and methods we’ve added. See the documentation for each API for complete documentation on how to use these features.
InstancePath Support for Dimensions and Text
In SketchUp 2019 we have added Sketchup::InstancePath support to our existing Sketchup::DimensionLinear and Sketchup::Text classes. Now when creating a Linear Dimension, or an attached Text object, you can attach it to a nested entity by providing a valid InstancePath
object, or an array version of an instance path. This will allow you to create a dimension in model space, but attach it to a valid nested entity. The linear dimension or text will then be attached to that entity, exactly how it is when linear dimensions and text are created via the UI.
Ruby API Breaking Changes
SketchUp changed how it presents units. Now it adds a space between the number and the unit indicator. If your extension uses a method of your own creation to interpret strings formatted by SketchUp you might find it doesn't work anymore if you don't account for the extra space. For example:
Before 2019:
Now in 2019:
"2.5 mm"
Ruby Version Upgrade - Ruby 2.5 removed the method:
. If you were using that method, you will need to find an alternative -
Sketchup::Entity#delete_attribute no longer returns
when attempting to delete a non-existing dictionary key
Ruby API Additions and Improvements
Upgraded Ruby version from 2.2.4 to 2.5.1 for both Mac and Windows
Upgraded CEF (used by UI::HtmlDialog) to version 64.
Added Sketchup::Tools#active_tool that returns the active Ruby tool
option to Sketchup::Model#import for dwg importer -
Added instance path support for Sketchup::Entities#add_text
Added instance path support for Sketchup::Entities#add_dimension_linear
Added Sketchup::LineStyles class
Added Sketchup::LineStyle class
Added Sketchup::Layer#line_style= class
Added Sketchup::Model#line_styles class
Improved String#to_l which parses a String into a Length is now able to parse strings that have a space between the number and unit. It can parse both
and"2.5 mm"
Improved Sketchup::InstancePath now accepts a path that includes a Sketchup::Image object
Ruby API Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash upon exit on Mac when a Sketchup::FrameChangeObserver is active
Fixed an issue where Sketchup::Model could become unusable after calling
. -
Fixed Ruby-created dimensions don't highlight when non-associated
Fixed Ruby-created dimensions don’t hide correctly when “Hide Foreshortened” is enabled
Fixed SketchUp crash when constructing Geom::PolygonMesh with negative values
Fixed Ruby DWG Importer units were not working correctly
Fixed Geom::PolygonMesh will not accept negative numbers as parameter
Fixed Extensions are loaded in a non-deterministic order on High Sierra
Fixed SketchUp crashes when attempting to load component made in newer version
Fixed typo concerning
in the Importer Options documentation and code (old spelling remains for compatibility) -
Fixed regression in SU2018 when renaming a material with the same name. This used to throw an error when it should have been a no-op
Fixed regression in SU2018 where
might fail -
Fixed a crash when loading a component made in a newer version of SketchUp
Fixed unicode characters in the Ruby Console on Windows
Fixed UI::HtmlDialog such that non-resizable dialog doesn't use width and height from preferences.
Sketchup::View#write_image should throw an error if there are more than 5 params passed in.
Fixed UI::HtmlDialog content flashing when resizing.
SketchUp C API Documentation
Updated SDK docs on VC++ runtime versions
LayOut Ruby API for SketchUp
Added Layout::Document#save will now throw an error if the file is already open in LayOut
Added Layout::Path#winding to get the current winding direction of the path. Returns one of the new constants Layout::Path::PATH_WINDING_NONE, Layout::Path::PATH_WINDING_CLOCKWISE, or Layout::Path::PATH_WINDING_COUNTER_CLOCKWISE.
Added Layout::SketchUpModel#dash_scale to get the current scale value of stipples in a SketchUp Model Ref. A value of 0.0 indicates the dash scale is automatically determined based on the line weight.
Added Layout::SketchUpModel#dash_scale= to set the scale value of stipples for the SketchUp Model Ref. A value at or below 0.0 will cause the scale to automatically be determined by the line weight.
Fix documentation of Layout::Path#append_point. When appending a bezier path segment, the params should have been (
control_1, control_2, point
) and not (point, control_1, control_2
What's new in SketchUp 2018 M0
LayOut Ruby API for SketchUp
This is a new Ruby based API for SketchUp that allows developers to read and write LayOut files using the regular SketchUp Ruby API. We’ve taken the existing LayOut C API and wrapped it with a Ruby layer and then included that inside SketchUp. This is proving to be a great working model for how to expose API functionality to our base C API and then expose that exact functionality to a Ruby layer without duplicating code.
Along with the LayOut Ruby API for SketchUp we added the ability to open LayOut files with the LayOut application. This gives developers the ability to write a SketchUp extension purely in Ruby that parses the SketchUp model, writes a LayOut file and opens the LayOut file in LayOut in one smooth motion. This helps create a stronger connection between SketchUp and LayOut and can improve user workflows through the use of developer created extensions.
Hello Ruby API developers, meet Sketchup::ImageRep. This new class exposes a data structure internal to SketchUp called an ImageRep
. ImageRep
is an in-memory representation of an image (as opposed to a reference to an image inside the SketchUp model). This class exposes a number of image reading and manipulation tools to the Ruby API. Now you can get the color of a pixel at a specified uv coordinate from an ImageRep
, get an array of all pixel data from an ImageRep
, set pixel data in an ImageRep
, save an ImageRep
out to disk, and more. Of course we’ve also included utilities to convert an in-model texture to an ImageRep
, and assign an ImageRep
object directly to a material as the material’s texture. This new class opens up a lot of opportunities to read and manipulate images in the model. Check out the ImageRep
class in Ruby API docs for more information.
Exposed Importer/Exporter Options to Ruby API
We have exposed all the options for our native importers and exporters to Ruby. See the Ruby API documentation on Sketchup::Model#import and Sketchup::Model#export.
New SketchUp Features in the API
A big round of applause for the SketchUp Core team for the improvements they have added to the SketchUp application. Well, we also wanted to make sure that these new features were accessible to our developer community. We have introduced new API features for Named Section Planes and Filled Section Cuts. Awesome!
Ruby Handling of Advanced Attributes
SketchUp core added a feature called Advanced Attributes. This adds some new attribute dictionaries and attributes to Component Instances and Definitions by default on every model. It should be noted that we have blocked the ability to delete the dictionaries via Ruby. This should not be possible, please let us know if you find a scenario where you are able to do so. You can however delete the key/value pairs. The UI will recreate those key value pairs if they do not exist.
Ruby Improvements and Fixes
Upgraded CEF (used by UI::HtmlDialog) to version 56.
Added method: UI.refresh_toolbars
Added constants to Geom::PolygonMesh:
Added method: Sketchup::DefinitionList#remove
Added Sketchup::Page methods:
Added Sketchup::SectionPlane methods:
Added Sketchup::ImageRep class:
Added Sketchup::Material#texture= to accept Sketchup::ImageRep object as one of the data types it uses.
Added rendering options support for filled section cuts:
Sketchup::RenderingOptions keys added:
Sketchup::RenderingOptionsObserver constants:
Added Sketchup.send_to_layout
Added options for all 3D exporters and imports
Bug Fixes
Breaking Change - Fixed a bug in Sketchup::Material#name= which allowed the API to create materials with duplicate names. Now it will raise
if it's not unique to the model. -
Breaking Change - Changed Sketchup::Color class to be common between LayOut and SketchUp. The potentially breaking change is that Sketchup::Color changed to now compare RGBA values instead of the Ruby objects.
Breaking Change - Changed Geom::Transformation#identity? So that it now properly returns
in all cases where the transformation matrix match the values for the identity transformation. -
to not set the 15th component of the matrix, but instead adjust the other fields. -
Fixed a crash when trying to call Sketchup::View#animation= from Sketchup::Animation#stop
Fixed a crash when calling with empty string.
Sketchup::Pages#erase will now correctly delete the Scene tab, like the UI does.
Fixed a bug in Sketchup::ArcCurve#end_angle where it sometimes added 360 degrees to the returned value.
Fixed an issue where a Ruby Importer could cause the Import file dialog to render the drop-down items incorrectly under Windows due to pipe characters in the description.
Fixed a crash when using
command line argument with a file that raises errors while loading. -
Fixed a crash in UI.create_cursor that would happen if the length was less than 4 characters.
Fixed a rare crash in Sketchup::MaterialsObserver.
What's new in SketchUp 2017 M0
Ruby 2.2
Yes, its that time again - time to update our Ruby Interpreter. We have upgraded to Ruby version 2.2.4. We're hopeful that extensions that use pure Ruby will be able to upgrade to Ruby 2.2 with little difficulty. Please note that any compiled C extensions will need to be rebuilt.
Embedded Web Framework
One of the developer features we are most excited about for SketchUp 2017 is a new Web Dialog framework. For SketchUp 2017 we are bundling the Chromium Web Browser with the SketchUp installer. What?! Yes, now SketchUp comes pre-packaged with a single web browser for both Mac and Windows clients. No more trauma from banging your head against the wall while trying to make your web pages compatible with Internet Explorer 8-11 and Safari.
In order to maintain backwards compatibility, we have implemented a new HtmlDialog class in the Ruby API and we have not altered the existing WebDialog class. Extensions that use WebDialogs should continue to work with no changes required.
New Ruby API Documentation
We have been working to improve our Ruby API documents and the publication process. We switched from an internally tweaked and maintained version of RDoc to YARD for our documentation generation. In the process we had to make many alterations to our documentation in the source code, we made a specialized YARD template to suit our needs. What we have now is a simple way to regenerate the documents in a matter of seconds, and we can push them to a git repo, where they are immediately available publicly. A process that used to take hours of manual html editing and special access to our webserver, has been reduced to about a 10 minute process to generate and publish the documentation.
SketchUp C API Parity - continued
We have focused on adding features to the SketchUp C API in 2017 to provide greater benefit to our developers and as part of our continued effort to fully deprecate and remove the old C++ API in the future. We are continuing to add more until we gain enough coverage to consider the C API at feature parity with the deprecated C++ API.
Updated Compilers
We updated our compilers for Windows and macOS. On Windows we are now using Visual Studio 2015 SP1 (targeting Windows 7). On MacOs we are using XCode 7.2.1 (with deployment target 10.10).
New Ruby API Features
Added class Sketchup::InstancePath
Added class Sketchup::Http::Request
Added class Sketchup::Http::Response
Added class UI::Notification
Added method Sketchup::Entity#persistent_id
Added method Sketchup::InputPoint#instance_path
Added method Sketchup::Model#find_entity_by_persistent_id
Added method Sketchup::Model#instance_path_from_pid_path
Added method Sketchup::Materials#load
Added method Sketchup::Material#save_as
Added method UI.scale_factor
Bug Fixes/Small Improvements
Ruby API
Fixed Sketchup::Entities#transform_by_vectors so that it performs a bounds check on the second array. An
is raised if the second array has less items than the first. -
Added ability to UI::HtmlDialogs to receive JavaScript arrays and objects using callbacks.
Removed a limitation with UI::HtmlDialog where callbacks were required to have at least one argument. Now no arguments are required.
UI.show_model_info no longer opens a Model Info page for
as that page is now replaced by the Extension Manager dialog.
What's new in SketchUp 2016 M0
A new LayOut API
We’re proud to announce our first step towards an extension ecosystem for LayOut. Using this new API developers can now open, create, modify, save, and export .layout files. Practically, this means that other applications can import or export the .layout file format using the C API. (This includes creating a .layout file from SketchUp). We have several sample scripts for developers to try out at release. Check out the API documentation in the Developer Center for more information.
Digitally Signing Extensions - Extensions Loading Policy
With SketchUp 2016 we introduced the ability for users to select which Extension Loading Policy they want to use. The options are “Identified Extensions Only”, “Approve Unidentified Extensions”, and “Unrestricted.
The developer side of this feature is known as a Digital Signature. All SketchUp extensions for 2016 or later will now require a Digital Signature to run in the highest security mode - “Identified Extensions Only”. If the user has chosen “Approve Unidentified Extensions” then all signed extensions will load automatically and any unsigned extension will have to be approved by the user. All extensions signed and unsigned, will load in “Unrestricted” mode.
SketchUp 2016 M0 installs in “Unrestricted” mode by default.
To digitally sign your extension, simply upload your .rbz package to our new Digital Signature and Encryption page and we will sign it and return it to you. Visit the new Extension Digital Signature page.
You will need to sign your extension each time you make code changes and want to re-release it. You will need to be a registered Developer on the Extension Warehouse to be able to sign or encrypt extensions. Apply here!
Ruby Encryption 2.0
Goodbye .rbs and Hello .rbe! We have added a new encryption that you can use to help protect your extension Intellectual Property (IP). SketchUp 2016 can read both .rbe and .rbs filetypes. This should help make sure that we maintain backwards compatibility for authors who need some time to re-encrypt their extensions. To use our new encryption, simply upload an unencrypted version of your .rbz package to our new Digital Signature and Encryption page and we will encrypt it and return it to you. Visit the new Extension Digital Signature page page here for more information.
You will need to be a registered Developer on the Extension Warehouse to be able to sign or encrypt extensions. Apply here!
Developer Center
Between the new Extension Digital Signature Page, the new LayOut C API and a whole lot of future ideas and potential, we have decided to create a new central location to organize our developer resources, API documentation, etc. Visit (and bookmark!):
Observer Upgrades
We have been working on finding ways to make observers more stable and reliable for all developers. Most of these changes happen under the hood and are not entirely visible to developers. To help with that, we added a few Ruby Warnings that appear in the Ruby Console, and two debugging methods that will determine whether those warnings are shown: Sketchup.debug_mode= and Sketchup.debug_mode?.
Observer events are now queued up until the active operation is done.
Sketchup::ModelObserver doesn't notify about intermediate Ruby operations (“transactions”).
Observers should no longer return zombie Ruby objects for entities. See the Observers 2016 pdf for more information.
Removed dummy methods from all observer base classes in order to improve performance.See this pdf for a more in depth look at the changes we made to the Observers.
SketchUp C API Parity - continued
We have focused on adding features to the SketchUp C API in 2016 to provide greater benefit to our developers and as part of our continued effort to fully deprecate and remove the old C++ API in the future. Below is a complete list of functions that we have added for 2016. We are continuing to add more until we gain enough coverage to consider the C API at feature parity with the deprecated C++ API.
New Ruby API
Added optional arguments to Sketchup::View#draw_text which define the appearance of the text drawn.
Added Sketchup::Axes class, exposing the drawing axes in SketchUp via Sketchup::Model#axes and Sketchup::Page#axes.
Added Sketchup::Texture#write.
Added Sketchup::Model#export to export pdf files. This is a vector export, not a rasterized image wrapped up in a pdf container.
UI::Command class and UI.create_cursor were modified to accept vector format (SVG under Windows, PDF under OSX). Both toolbars and cursors can now accept vector icons.
Added two methods to assist with debugging extensions. Sketchup.debug_mode= and Sketchup.debug_mode? will allow developers to toggle the display of the following notifications:
Ruby Console now warns about Ruby operations left open. Leaving operations open is typically a bad practice. We are warning developers that they should try to find a different way of doing what they want to do.
Ruby Console now warns when a user tries to create a nested operation. Starting a new operation while one is still open is a bad practice. We would like developers to be more aware that they are doing this so that they can fix their code.
Bug Fixes/Small Improvements
Fixed Sketchup::Pages#erase so that it doesn't incorrectly create an undo operation any more.
Removed instance of a zombie instance with Curves. See the Observers 2016 pdf for more information.
Fixed issue where Sketchup::ViewObserver does not fire when using the Zoom tool in parallel projection mode
Deprecated the Piranisi .epx import
IFC import failure resolved by library updates to Windows and Mac.
Fixed Collada export fails with :camera_lookout value with message “Pointer being freed was never allocated”
Fixed Collada export does not export cameras
Resolved multiple visual defects with Extension description box.
Sketchup.version_number now returns the correct value.
What's new in SketchUp 2015 M2
We fixed a crash on Mac that could occur when a timer was stopped via UI.stop_timer from within the timer procedure.
What's new in SketchUp 2015
Renaming the Plugins Menu
We renamed the “Plugins” menu to “Extensions” to be more inline with our current naming conventions. This should not break existing plugins. Adding a menu item to the “Plugins” menu will still work, it will be added to the “Extensions” menu.
New! - Extension Licensing API
One of the new features that we have added to API is the ability to create licensed extensions. The Extension Warehouse has been upgraded to manage and distribute these licenses.
Added Sketchup::Licensing module
Added Sketchup::Licensing::ExtensionLicense class
New! - Classifier API
These classes and methods have been added in conjunction with the Classifier Tool that has already been implemented in the SketchUp User Interface.
Added Sketchup::ClassificationSchema class
Added Sketchup::Classifications class
Added Sketchup::ComponentDefinition#set_classification_value
Added Sketchup::ComponentDefinition#get_classification_value
New API Features
Added Sketchup::Camera#is_2d?
Added Sketchup::Layers#remove
Added Sketchup::Model#close
Added Sketchup.is_64bit?
Added UI.select_directory
to the RenderingOptions -
to the RenderingOptions -
to the RenderingOptions
64 Bit related changes to our Ruby API
Length no longer derives from
. It should act the same in 2015 as it has in previous version of SketchUp This was required as part of our 64-bit upgrade changes -
We have separated the
directories for 32-bit and 64-bit builds.
Webdialog JS error Dialogs for Developers
In previous versions of SketchUp on Windows, users would see javascript error popup boxes anytime there was malformed js code on a webpage. We muted those popups in a previous release. Due to popular demand, we have brought them back, this time for developers only! Developers can enable js error popups by creating this key in their Windows registry: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/WebDialogs/ShowErrorDialogs
and adding a DWORD
value set to 1
Bug Fixes and Improvements
We are now setting the initial working directory to the user’s Documents directory.
to return"SketchUp"
as it did prior to SketchUp 2014. -
Fixed bug where
would return incorrect result. -
Cleaned up inconsistent operation name and id used in the Sketchup::Edge class.
Fixed crashes caused by internal calls to Ruby from worker threads.
Prevented crash when there is an uncaught Ruby error happening in Sketchup::Importer#load_file
Geom::BoundingBox#corner now raises an IndexError when given an incorrect index.
Fixed a bug where Geom::BoundingBox#intersect could yield incorrect results.
Fixed a bug where Geom::BoundingBox#intersect would not accept an array of vertices or boundingboxes.
Fixed a bug where Geom::PolygonMesh#normal_at would not return correct vertex normal if the model was modified in the same processing loop as the script obtaining the PolygonMesh.
Fixed a bug where a frozen array might raise an error when a method acts on that array, even if the method does not modify the array.
Fixed a bug where InputPoint objects could cause a crash in certain circumstances.
Changed the classifications folder inside the Program Files folder from
C:\Program Files (x86)\SketchUp\SketchUp 2015\Classifications
toC:\Program Files (x86)\SketchUp\SketchUp 2015\ShippedClassifications
. NowSketchup.find_support_file("Classifications")
will return the classifications folder in the user folder, instead of in the application folder. -
Setting material during Sketchup::ModelObserver#onPreSaveModel did not work in SU2014. This should be fixed for 2015.
Sketchup::ViewObserver notification used to fail when in parallel projection. This has been fixed.
Custom context menus in custom tools have been improved. It is now possible to determine what type of entity was clicked on, before opening the context menu. Therefore custom context menus can be written to handle different types of entities differently.
Exploding an image entity now returns an array of entities. These include all associated edges, the face, edgeuse objects, etc. Previously it return an empty array.
Fixed a bug where
view.draw(GL_LINES, ...)
crashes when passed an odd number of points. -
HTTPS connections should now work on Windows using
What's new in SketchUp 2014 M1
Fixed a crash that occurred when exporting an animation while any Ruby tool was active.
Fixed an Sketchup::EntityObserver crash in Sketchup::EntityObserver#onEraseEntity that could occur if the observer removed itself.
Fixed a bug in Sketchup::ViewObserver which caused observer methods to not fire properly in certain rare cases. This occurred when an observer was being removed and a new one being added within the same notification loop of another event.
Fixed an issue where launching SketchUp by double-clicking a skp file on another drive would corrupt
and render the Standard Library inaccessible. This bug caused many people to run into plugin loading problems if they were opening files located on drives other than their “C:” drive. -
Fixed a bug on Windows where plugins would not load if the user name contained single quotes.
Fixed a regression in Sketchup::Face#position_material. Under SketchUp 2014.0.4900 a (caught) exception generated by a failed Sketchup::Face#position_material call appears to cause SketchUp to unwind everything back to the last Sketchup::Model#start_operation.
Fixed a Ruby unicode issue where Ruby could not require .so files from unicode paths.
Added support to SketchUp Mac to load
. Developers can now use our debugger on Mac. -
Fixed an issue where the Sketchup::LayersObserver would cause SketchUp to crash when the user would do an undo then a redo.
What's new in SketchUp 2014
We have made many additions and improvements to the SketchUp Ruby API. These changes include some big and potentially code-breaking changes in this round of SketchUp. We strongly recommend all developers test their scripts for compatibility with 2014.
Upgrade to Ruby 2.0 and Stdlib is now included
We have upgraded to Ruby 2.0.0 p247 on both Windows and Mac platforms.
We are now shipping the Ruby Standard Library with SketchUp.
Ruby now supports proper unicode strings.
Plugins on Windows have now been moved outside the SU Installation folder. On Vista, Win 7, 8:
C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2014\SketchUp\Plugins
On Win XP:C:\Documents and Settings<username>\Application Data\Roaming\SketchUp\SketchUp 2014\SketchUp\Plugins
On Windows, we also load plugins from a user-independent support directory. On Win Vista, 7, 8:
C:\ProgramData\SketchUp\SketchUp 2014\SketchUp\Plugins
On Win XP:C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\SketchUp\SketchUp 2014\SketchUp\Plugins
This path is only loaded to the$LOAD_PATH
array if the folder exists when on the user's machine when SU starts.
New! - Dimensions API
Please see the new API docs for how to implement these classes and methods:
New! - SectionPlane additions
Please see the new API docs for how to implement these classes and methods.
Added support for creating and activating Sketchup::SectionPlane entities:
New Methods:
Added Sketchup::EntitiesObserver#onActiveSectionPlaneChanged
Sketchup::RenderingOptions now exposes a new key
that can be used to show or hide section planes. e.g.Sketchup.active_model.rendering_options['DisplaySectionPlanes'] = false
Additional New API Methods and Features
Below is an outline of new API functionality. Please see the new API docs for how to implement these classes and methods.
Added Sketchup::Image#transformation to get an image transformation
Added Sketchup::Image#transformation= to set an image transformation
Added Sketchup::Layer#color to get a color for a layer
Added Sketchup::Layer#color= to set a color for a layer
Added Sketchup.quit
Added Sketchup.temp_dir
Added UI::WebDialog#screen_scale_factor which can be useful on Mac retina screens.
Added Geom::PolygonMesh#set_uv
Added Sketchup::AppObserver#expectsStartupModelNotifications - allowing the developer to specify if they want the existing
methods to include notifications for models that get created or opened at program startup. -
methods to Sketchup::Console. These need to be called on the constant SKETCHUP_CONSOLE, for
Creating a new instance
will no longer work. -
Improved Sketchup::Model#save to allow saving to the live model and also to be able to save in older SketchUp formats.
Added file format constants to Sketchup::Model#save:
Added Geom::PolygonMesh constants for
. -
LanguageHandler methods have been aliased to have more Ruby-like syntax. See
LanguageHandler now correctly load resources locally from extension Resources folder.
LanguageHandler must be initialized in the root RB file of an SketchupExtension
Please read through the
file and the documentation on this website for a better understanding of the LanguageHandler class. -
Sketchup::Group#make_unique is no longer deprecated and the warning has been removed.
Added persistent IDs for groups and component which can be accessed via Ruby.
Ruby UI.openpanel/UI.savepanel filters now use a more complex filetype filter to allow for multiple multi-file type filters.
Added Sketchup.platform that returns either
. Developers are encouraged to use this overRUBY_PLATFORM
whenever possible. -
New page
for UI.show_model_info.
Ruby Console Upgrades
Multi line code input and pasting into Ruby console on Win (Ctrl+Enter creates a new line)
Ruby Console writes data to itself much faster and does not slow down after many errors have been written
Typing cls now also clears the console
Mac Ruby Console reverted back to fixed width font
Observer Bug Fixes
Fixed Sketchup::AppObserver bug where
methods were not being called for models that get created or opened at program startup. See AppObserver API docs for information on how to take advantage of this bug fix. -
Fixed an Sketchup::EntitiesObserver crash that occurred when a group gets created and exploded within the same operation and has an Sketchup::EntitiesObserver attached to it.
The Sketchup::ModelObserver#onSaveModel observer notification on PC is triggered incorrectly when selecting
File > Save
As and then canceling before saving. This is now fixed. -
Using the same observer to observe multiple entities was causing memory leaks. This should now be fixed.
Sketchup::AppObserver#onQuit should now fire reliably on Mac
Observers were not being properly freed after being removed, potentially causing significant performance degradation.
Fixed a crash when reloading a component and an Sketchup::EntitiesObserver was attached to the model.
Sketchup::ModelObserver#onExplode now triggers when an instance is exploded via the Ruby API.
Fixed the Sketchup::EntitiesObserver bug where a wrong Sketchup::Entities reference would be sent to observer methods when observing a group's Sketchup::Entities.
Moved the Set class to Sketchup::Set
In order to avoid clashing with the Standard Ruby Library we moved the Set
class to Sketchup::Set. All references to the SketchUp Set class should be refactored.
General Bug Fixes
Ensured that our classes that implement
don't override the improved Ruby 2.0#count
method. Also ensured allEnumerable
classes implement#length
. -
Updated Geom::PolygonMesh API docs to be accurate. Numerous other API documentation fixes and updates.
Fixed program hang when output is written to the console via puts from within a Ruby 2.0 Thread. These output will no longer hang the program but they also will not be printed. All access to the SU API (including writing to the console) must be made from within the main thread.
Added argument validation to Sketchup::Layer#page_behavior and updated API docs.
Fixed crash when hiding layers while iterating through selected entities. If your code modifies the collection you are iterating during the iteration process, SketchUp will stop iterating. Instead you should iterate over an array of the collection. Code similar to
selection.each { |e| code_to_modify_the_selection_set }
should be changed to:selection.to_a.each { |e| code_to_modify_the_selection_set }
This is true of all collections such as: Sketchup::Entities, Sketchup::Layers, Sketchup::DefinitionList, Sketchup::Pages, Sketchup::Selection, etc. -
Fixed a bug where groups that share the same definition would seem to continue to share entities after being made unique in some cases.
Fixed Sketchup::Group#description= which didn't make the group unique before setting its description.
Fixed the erroneous
"RangeError: value cannot be negative"
that was raised on valid input for Sketchup::ConstructionLine#stipple= -
Fixed Sketchup::DefinitionList#load and load_from_url which did not start Ruby operations properly.
Fixed crashes and other oddities that would happen when applying a material that wasn't in the model already - either selected from Material Browser or a material from another open model. Now the material is recreated in the model it is applied to.
Fixed Sketchup::Entities methods
which did not make the group unique when called for a group Entities. -
Ruby references belonging to closed models should no longer remain alive and cause possible crashes on Mac.
Fixed the crash that occurred when Outliner is open and a group is created/erased within the same operation.
truncating first two characters when given relative paths. -
Fixed Sketchup::Tools#pop_tool to ensure the last tool cannot be popped, which would leave SketchUp in a state without an active tool.
Fixed Sketchup::Tools#active_tool_name to return proper tool names on Mac.
Fixed Sketchup::Model#close_active so the operation appears on the undo stack as it should. Prevents undoing the operation from shifting the geometry.
Fixed Sketchup::Materials#remove so that it correctly removes the material from the entities in the model before removing it from the materials list.
Loader files registered to SketchupExtension can now be an encrypted file (.rbs).
Fixed the inputbox wrapper in
to not enter an infinite loop if no arguments are given. -
Fixed loading errors to be more verbose and include file paths and code line numbers
Any Ruby errors occurring on rbs files are now reported with proper file name and line numbers.
Ruby keywords
now work properly within rbs files. -
Ruby errors that occur during program startup are now reported with stack traces, which should make it easier to diagnose problems.
Fixed a bug on Windows where UI::WebDialog#show did not remember previous size/location of webdialog.
Sketchup.require did not push paths for loaded rbs files into
- this is now fixed. -
RBZ extraction should now preserve file permissions.
Sketchup::Group#locked=/Sketchup::ComponentInstance#locked= now correctly adds itself to the undo stack.
Added negative value checks to methods that expect unsigned integer parameters (certain methods that use integers as arguments were allowing poorly formatted negative values).
Sketchup::ComponentInstance#explode/Sketchup::Group#explode while editing the component that you explode would crash SketchUp. This is now fixed.
Previously Sketchup::Tool#getInstructorContentDirectory method assumed everything was relative to the SketchUp Resource folder. This has been changed for 2014. Now it accepts absolute paths to either file or folder
New method: Sketchup.quit
Added UI::WebDialog#screen_scale_factor which can be useful on Mac retina screens.
Implemented Sketchup::EntitiesObserver#onActiveSectionPlaneChanged
Added Geom::PolygonMesh#set_uv
Fixed the Sketchup::EntitiesObserver bug where a wrong Entities reference would be sent to observer methods when observing a group's Entities collection.
What's new in SketchUp 2013 M1
Bug Fixes
Fixed a toolbar bug that caused some extensions to not display and become incorrectly docked behind other toolbars. Developers are now advised to call UI::Toolbar#restore after creating a toolbar, although those that do not will also work correctly on SU2013 M1.
Fixed a bug in UI::WebDialog#get_element_value which caused it to malfunction with some html elements on Mac.
What's new in SketchUp 2013
Expanded the SketchupExtension class
New methods:
Documented the LanguageHandler class
LanguageHandler} was an existing internal class which we are now exposing in the API. It has been updated such that it looks first for translated resources within the Resources folder in the extension directory structure (as explained in the Warehouse Developer Center). All translated resources should be located within the appropriate language folder.
Added special HTML link to launch an extension's page on Extension Warehouse
See detailed explanation of the "skp:launchEW"
link in {UI::WebDialog class documentation.
Change in Sketchup.send_action
has been removed.
What's new in SketchUp 8 M2
The second maintenance release for SketchUp 8 was available December 1, 2011. It included a handful of Ruby API additions around managing extensions.
Improved the SketchupExtension class
Five new methods:
SketchupExtension#check (loads up the Extension)
SketchupExtension#uncheck (unloads the Extension)
Added ExtensionsManager class
Lets you inspect which Extensions are registered.
Added new hooks in the Sketchup object
Sketchup.install_from_archive (installs contents from .rbz file)
Sketchup.plugins_disabled= (disables all Ruby plugins)
Sketchup.extensions (hook to get at the Sketchup::ExtensionsManager)
What's new in SketchUp 8 M1
The first maintenance release for SketchUp 8 was available January 12, 2011. It included several Ruby API fixes and additions.
Improved the UI::Toolbar class
Two new methods:
Fixed these failing method calls on Mac:
UI.set_toolbar_visible('GoogleToolPaletteController', false)
UI.set_toolbar_visible('ToolPaletteController', false)
UI.set_toolbar_visible("SolidModelToolPaletteController", true)
UI.set_toolbar_visible("SolidModelToolPaletteController", false)
Fixed this failing method calls on the PC:
UI.set_toolbar_visible("Walkthrough", true)
UI.set_toolbar_visible("Walkthrough", false)
UI.set_toolbar_visible("FullToolSet", true)
UI.set_toolbar_visible("FullToolSet", false)
Expanded the UI::Command Class
New methods:
Expanded the Material/Materials Classes
New methods:
Gave Ruby Access to the “Shadow Bug Fix”
If you find yourself in a situation where the 8.0 M1 shadow bug fix is getting unexpected results, you can turn it off.
Improved Alpha Transparency Control
Sketchup::View#draw2d now respects the alpha set with Sketchup::View#drawing_color=
Sketchup::Color#alpha= nows accept values either between
Fixed Several Bugs
We accidentally introduced some bugs with recent SketchUp releases. So we fixed them in 8.0 M1:
Sketchup::View#pick_helper stopped respecting arguments passed to it. This was breaking the Bezier.rb and BZ Tools plugins. Now fixed.
Sketchup::ConstructionLine#stipple= method now works as documented.
Sketchup::Model#raytest method was occasionally returning incorrect values. We fixed that and added an optional boolean argument to specify whether or not to stop at hidden entities: model.raytest(ray)
- ignores entities that are hidden model.raytest(ray, true)
ignores entities that are hidden model.raytest(ray, false)
stops at entities that are hidden (via hide or on hidden layers)
Sketchup::Color#to_a was returning a Bignum
when a Fixnum
was expected. A Fixnum
is now returned.
What's new in SketchUp 8
Updated Ruby Version to 1.8.6 on PC
The version of the Ruby interpreter that ships with SketchUp has been upgraded to 1.8.6 on PC (still 1.8.5 on Mac). Please note that 1.8.6 includes thousands of bug fixes and stability improvements, but that it also is more strict about syntax. Scripts that work in SketchUp 7.x and earlier may have syntax failures in SketchUp 8.
WebDialog User Agent Updated
It used to be that WebDialogs would send a useragent string unique to SketchUp. We now send a useragent that is a concatenation with the embedded browser's original useragent and an extra string to identity SketchUp. This allows the Google Earth plugin (and similar plugins) to correctly detect the kind of browser so it works properly inside SketchUp.
Observer Bug Fixes
Sketchup::DefinitionObserver#onComponentInstanceAdded now works.
Sketchup::DefinitionObserver#onComponentInstanceRemoved now works.
Sketchup::SelectionObserver#onSelectionAdded now works.
Ruby Sketchup::ToolsObserver
parameter is now consistent between the Mac and PC. -
Fixed Sketchup::InstanceObserver so it works consistently and without crashes.
New method: Sketchup::ModelObserver#onPreSaveModel
New method: Sketchup::ModelObserver#onPostSaveModel
Sketchup::EntitiesObserver#onElementModified now accepts 2 parameters: entities and entity, making it much more useful.
Fixed common crash with Sketchup::EntitiesObserver#onContentsModified
Also, Sketchup::EntitiesObserver#onContentsModified
renamed to Sketchup::EntitiesObserver#onElementModified for consistency.
The callback Sketchup::MaterialsObserver#onMaterialRemoveAll
now deprecated, we recommend using Sketchup::MaterialsObserver#onMaterialRemove instead.
Write Image Size Clamped
Sketchup::View#write_image is now clamped to export a maximum image size of 16000x16000 to prevent freezes.
Timers Work in Smaller Increments
UI.start_timer now accepts values less than 1 second.
New Boolean Methods
Sketchup::Group and Sketchup::ComponentInstance have several new methods for boolean operations:
Sketchup::Face#classify_point updated
Note that the return values for Sketchup::Face#classify_point have changed for SketchUp 8. See the documentation for the list of constants that you should check against. If you have scripts that rely on hard-coded numeric values, you should update them to use constants, instead.
Crashes fixed
Fixed crash in Sketchup::Pages#add and in Sketchup::Model#number_faces.
What's new in SketchUp 7.1
New methods
Sketchup::Model#number_faces Find out how many faces are in your model.
Sketchup::Model#georeferenced? See if a model has been georeferenced for use in Earth.
Sketchup::View#refresh Force refresh of a view. More powerful that view.invalidate because it refreshes immediately.
UI::WebDialog#write_image Take a screen grab from any WebDialog.
What's new in SketchUp 7.0 M1
New methods
Sketchup::Face#get_glued_instances See what instances are glued to a given face.
What's new in SketchUp 7
Improved Script Performance
Ability to perform faster inside start_operation transactions.
go_faster = true
model.start_operation("My Processing", go_faster)
# Do processing here that was slow in SU6
# ...
Results from some real world tests, (comparing SU6 to SU7 on the same machine) once the go_faster boolean was added:
Intersect overlaps with 500 overlapping squares 28.4 seconds vs. 26.3 (~92% as long)
Make faces with 500 faceless cubes 21.7 seconds vs. 14.5 (~66% as long)
Windowizer 3.0 with Four 20'x20' windows, 12x12 16.1 seconds vs. 7.0 seconds (~43% as as long)
Windowizer 4.0 with Ten 5'x5' windows, 6x6 22.6 seconds vs 8.7 seconds (~38% as long)
Improved Web Dialogs
Addition of min/max widths.
Fixed Mac support for WebDialogs execute_script
webdialog.execute_script('alert("Bug is Fixed!")');
New full_security mode for webdialogs (disables plugins and remote links)
Ability to hide home/next/back navigation icons on the Mac
Cleaner, hash-based syntax for initializing
my_dialog =
Control Scale Tool Handles
Your script can now control which scale tool handles appear when the user selects a given component.
# Disable the green and red-axes handles
# by setting bits 1 and 2 to 1.
behavior = my_component_definition.behavior
behavior.no_scale_mask = (1 << 1) + (1 << 2)
Load Definitions from the Web, or Save to Disk
Ability to download a definition from URL
model.definitions.load_from_url(url, download_handler)
Ability to Save components to disk from the API
Know More About User Interactions
New methods for detecting “Component Edit” mode
users_current_edit = model.active_path
edit_mode_transform = model.edit_transform
Easily determine if they're running in licensed Pro
is_licensed_pro = Sketchup.is_pro?
New “model level” callbacks in ModelObserver
def onActivePathChanged(model) { # Detect edit mode }
def onPlaceComponent(instance) { # Detect placements }
def onExplode(model) { # Detect group/component explode }
def onBeforeComponentSaveAs(instance) { # Add data on save as }
def onAfterComponentSaveAs(instance) { # Then clean up }
Detect if they've turned off your extension via the AppObserver
def onUnloadExtension(extension_name)
Assorted Improvements Requested by Developers
Delete your scenes via the API
Keep SketchUp in Synch
UI.refresh_inspectors # force complete UI update
my_definition.refresh_thumbnail # force thumb update
my_definition.invalidate_bounds # force bb update
Measure your groups regardless of their transform
untransformed_bb = my_group.local_bounds
Use middle mouse button in your custom tools
def onMButtonDown(flags, x, y, view) # now works!
def onMButtonUp(flags, x, y, view) # now works!
Send Ruby console output to the standard out If you start up SketchUp from the command line, you can pipe to standard error and see Ruby puts statements appear for you.
Sketchup.exe > myRubyLog.txt
Finally, we fixed a number of crashing bugs, mostly related to iterating across entities in the model.
What's new in SketchUp 6
The most substantial addition to the SketchUp 6 Ruby API are the Ruby Observer Mechanism, the Tools class, the WebDialog class, the Styles class, and the Style class.
Ruby Observer Mechanism
The Ruby Observer Mechanism is designed to allow Ruby scripts to be notified when objects change in the SketchUp application or model. For example, you can create an observer class that “listens” to when SketchUp quits and then performs some action.
Create a Ruby class of a specific observer type, such as AppObserver, override the desired methods, such as onQuit, and add an instance of the observer to the applicable objects in your Ruby script (using the add_observer method for that object). Refer to individual observer interfaces for further information.
Tools Class
The Tools class contains methods to manipulate a collection of SketchUp tools. This class is primarily used to switch between tools through the use of key or mouse actions.
WebDialog Class
The Ruby WebDialog class to create and interact with, DHTML dialog boxes, called webdialogs in this documentation, from Ruby code. For example, you can create webdialogs that are invoked from your Ruby code to display a web site, or to accept user input and use the results in your Ruby code. Styles and Style Classes The Styles class contains methods for manipulating a collection of styles in a model. The Style class contains methods for modifying information about a specific style.
Before SketchUp 6
The core 62 classes of the API were established here. Very few users are on anything before SketchUp 6, so this documentation site focuses only on SketchUp 6 and up.