Class: Sketchup::Page
The Page class contains methods to extract information and modify the properties of an individual page.
Note that inside the SketchUp user interface pages are called “Scenes”.
Instance Method Summary # collapse
#axes ⇒ Object
The axes method returns the drawing axes for the page.
#camera ⇒ Sketchup::Camera
The #camera method retrieves the camera for a particular page.
#delay_time ⇒ Object
The delay_time method retrieves the amount of time, in seconds, that a page will be displayed before transition to another page during a tour.
#delay_time=(seconds) ⇒ Object
The delay_time= method sets the amount of time, in seconds, that a page will be displayed before transitioning to another page during a tour.
#description ⇒ Object
The description method retrieves the description for a page as found in the Scenes manager dialog.
#description=(description) ⇒ Object
The description method sets the description for a page as found in the Scenes manager dialog.
#environment ⇒ Sketchup::Environment
The #environment method is used to retrieve the Environment for the scene.
#environment=(environment) ⇒ Sketchup::Environment
The #environment= method is used to set the Environment for the scene.
#get_drawingelement_visibility(element) ⇒ Boolean
The #get_drawingelement_visibility method is used to get the visibility of a drawing element on a particular page.
#hidden_entities ⇒ Array<Sketchup::Drawingelement>
The hidden_entities method retrieves all hidden entities within a page.
#include_in_animation=(include) ⇒ Sketchup::Page
The #include_in_animation= method controls whether the page should be included when exporting an animation from the model.
#include_in_animation? ⇒ Boolean
The #include_in_animation? method determines whether the page should be included when exporting an animation from the model.
#label ⇒ Object
The label method retrieves the label for a page from the page tab.
#layer_folders ⇒ Array<Sketchup::LayerFolder>?
The #layer_folders method retrieves the hidden layer folders associated with a page.
#layers ⇒ Array<Sketchup::Layer>?
The #layers method retrieves layers that don't use their default visibility on this page.
#name ⇒ Object
The name method retrieves the name for a page from the page tab.
#name=(name) ⇒ Object
The name= method sets the name for a page's tab.
#rendering_options ⇒ Object
The rendering_options method retrieves a RenderingOptions object for the page.
#set_drawingelement_visibility(element, visibility) ⇒ Boolean
The #set_drawingelement_visibility method is used to change the visibility of a drawing element on a particular page.
#set_visibility(arg1, arg2) ⇒ Sketchup::Page
The #set_visibility method sets the visibility for a layer or layer folder on a page.
#shadow_info ⇒ Sketchup::ShadowInfo
The #shadow_info method retrieves the ShadowInfo object for the page.
#style ⇒ Object
The style method retrieves the style associated with the page.
#transition_time ⇒ Object
Get the amount of time that it takes to transition to this page during a slideshow or animation export.
#transition_time=(trans_time) ⇒ Object
The transition_time= method is used to set the transition time.
#update(flags) ⇒ Boolean
The #update method performs an update on the page properties based on the current view that the user has.
#use_axes=(pagesettings) ⇒ Object
The use_axes= method sets the page's axes property.
#use_axes? ⇒ Boolean
The use_axes? method determines whether you are storing the axes property with the page.
#use_camera=(setting) ⇒ Object
The use_camera= method sets the page's camera property.
#use_camera? ⇒ Boolean
The use_camera? method determines whether you are storing the camera property with the page.
#use_environment=(use_environment) ⇒ Boolean
The #use_environment= method is used to set if the Environment settings are used in the scene.
#use_environment? ⇒ Boolean
The #use_environment? method is used to determine if the Environment settings are used in the scene.
#use_hidden=(setting) ⇒ Object
The functionality is replaced by #use_hidden_geometry= and #use_hidden_objects= in SketchUp 2020.1.
#use_hidden? ⇒ Boolean
The functionality is replaced by #use_hidden_geometry? and #use_hidden_objects? in SketchUp 2020.1.
#use_hidden_geometry=(setting) ⇒ Object
Sets the page's use hidden geometry property.
#use_hidden_geometry? ⇒ Boolean
Returns the use hidden geometry property from the page.
#use_hidden_layers=(setting) ⇒ Object
The use_hidden_layers= method sets the page's hidden layers property.
#use_hidden_layers? ⇒ Boolean
The use_hidden_layers? method determines whether you are storing the hidden layers property with the page.
#use_hidden_objects=(setting) ⇒ Object
Sets the page's use hidden objects property.
#use_hidden_objects? ⇒ Boolean
Returns the use hidden objects property from the page.
#use_rendering_options=(setting) ⇒ Object
The use_rendering_optoins= method sets the page's display settings property.
#use_rendering_options? ⇒ Boolean
The use_rendering_options? method determines whether you are storing the rendering options property with the page.
#use_section_planes=(setting) ⇒ Object
The use_section_planes= method sets the page's section planes property.
#use_section_planes? ⇒ Boolean
The use_section_planes? method determines whether you are storing the section planes property with the page.
#use_shadow_info=(setting) ⇒ Object
The use_shadow_info= method sets the page's shadow info property.
#use_shadow_info? ⇒ Boolean
The use_shadow_info? method determines whether you are storing the shadow info property with the page.
#use_style=(style) ⇒ Object
The use_style= method sets the style to be used by the page.
#use_style? ⇒ Boolean
The use_style? method determines whether storing a style with the page.
Methods inherited from Entity
#add_observer, #attribute_dictionaries, #attribute_dictionary, #delete_attribute, #deleted?, #entityID, #get_attribute, #inspect, #model, #parent, #persistent_id, #remove_observer, #set_attribute, #to_s, #typename, #valid?
Instance Method Details
↑ #axes ⇒ Object
The axes method returns the drawing axes for the page.
↑ #camera ⇒ Sketchup::Camera
The #camera method retrieves the camera for a particular page.
↑ #delay_time ⇒ Object
The delay_time method retrieves the amount of time, in seconds, that a page will be displayed before transition to another page during a tour.
The default delay time can be modified in the Model Info > Animation panel of the SketchUp User Interface. If this method returns -1, the default delay time is used.
↑ #delay_time=(seconds) ⇒ Object
The delay_time= method sets the amount of time, in seconds, that a page will be displayed before transitioning to another page during a tour. If you set the delay for a page to be -1, the default delay time will be used.
The default delay time can be modified in the Model Info > Animation panel of the SketchUp User Interface.
↑ #description ⇒ Object
The description method retrieves the description for a page as found in the Scenes manager dialog.
↑ #description=(description) ⇒ Object
The description method sets the description for a page as found in the Scenes manager dialog.
↑ #environment ⇒ Sketchup::Environment
The #environment method is used to retrieve the Environment for the scene.
↑ #environment=(environment) ⇒ Sketchup::Environment
The #environment= method is used to set the Environment for the scene.
↑ #get_drawingelement_visibility(element) ⇒ Boolean
The #get_drawingelement_visibility method is used to get the visibility of a drawing element on a particular page.
↑ #hidden_entities ⇒ Array<Sketchup::Drawingelement>
The hidden_entities method retrieves all hidden entities within a page.
↑ #include_in_animation=(include) ⇒ Sketchup::Page
The #include_in_animation= method controls whether the page should be included when exporting an animation from the model.
↑ #include_in_animation? ⇒ Boolean
The #include_in_animation? method determines whether the page should be included when exporting an animation from the model.
↑ #label ⇒ Object
The label method retrieves the label for a page from the page tab.
↑ #layer_folders ⇒ Array<Sketchup::LayerFolder>?
The #layer_folders method retrieves the hidden layer folders associated with a page.
↑ #layers ⇒ Array<Sketchup::Layer>?
The #layers method retrieves layers that don't use their default visibility on this page.
↑ #name ⇒ Object
The name method retrieves the name for a page from the page tab.
↑ #name=(name) ⇒ Object
The name= method sets the name for a page's tab.
↑ #rendering_options ⇒ Object
The rendering_options method retrieves a RenderingOptions object for the page.
↑ #set_drawingelement_visibility(element, visibility) ⇒ Boolean
The #set_drawingelement_visibility method is used to change the visibility of a drawing element on a particular page. Only drawing elements on the root of the model, as well as nested instances of components, groups, and images are controlled by Page visibility.
↑ #set_visibility(layer, visible_for_page) ⇒ Sketchup::Page #set_visibility(layer_folder, visible_for_page) ⇒ Sketchup::Page
The #set_visibility method sets the visibility for a layer or layer folder on a page.
↑ #shadow_info ⇒ Sketchup::ShadowInfo
The #shadow_info method retrieves the ShadowInfo object for the page.
↑ #style ⇒ Object
The style method retrieves the style associated with the page.
↑ #transition_time ⇒ Object
Get the amount of time that it takes to transition to this page during a slideshow or animation export. If this value is -1, it means to use the default transition time.
↑ #transition_time=(trans_time) ⇒ Object
The transition_time= method is used to set the transition time.
↑ #update(flags) ⇒ Boolean
The #update method performs an update on the page properties based on the current view that the user has. What properties of the Page get updated are controlled via an integer whose bits corresponds to different properties. These flags can be used individually or combined using bitwise OR.
PAGE_USE_CAMERA # Camera Location
PAGE_USE_HIDDEN # Hidden Geometry & Objects (Up 2019 and older)
PAGE_USE_HIDDEN_GEOMETRY # Hidden Geometry (SU 2020 and later)
PAGE_USE_HIDDEN_OBJECTS # Hidden Objects (SU 2020 and later)
PAGE_USE_SECTION_PLANES # Active Section Planes
PAGE_USE_ALL # All possible scene properties
PAGE_USE_ENVIRONMENT # Environment settings
↑ #use_axes=(pagesettings) ⇒ Object
The use_axes= method sets the page's axes property.
↑ #use_axes? ⇒ Boolean
The use_axes? method determines whether you are storing the axes property with the page.
↑ #use_camera=(setting) ⇒ Object
The use_camera= method sets the page's camera property.
↑ #use_camera? ⇒ Boolean
The use_camera? method determines whether you are storing the camera property with the page.
↑ #use_environment=(use_environment) ⇒ Boolean
The #use_environment= method is used to set if the Environment settings are used in the scene.
↑ #use_environment? ⇒ Boolean
The #use_environment? method is used to determine if the Environment settings are used in the scene.
↑ #use_hidden=(setting) ⇒ Object
The functionality is replaced by #use_hidden_geometry= and #use_hidden_objects= in SketchUp 2020.1.
The use_hidden= method sets the page's hidden property.
↑ #use_hidden? ⇒ Boolean
The functionality is replaced by #use_hidden_geometry? and #use_hidden_objects? in SketchUp 2020.1.
The use_hidden? method determines whether you are storing the hidden property with the page.
↑ #use_hidden_geometry=(setting) ⇒ Object
Sets the page's use hidden geometry property.
↑ #use_hidden_geometry? ⇒ Boolean
Returns the use hidden geometry property from the page.
↑ #use_hidden_layers=(setting) ⇒ Object
The use_hidden_layers= method sets the page's hidden layers property.
↑ #use_hidden_layers? ⇒ Boolean
The use_hidden_layers? method determines whether you are storing the hidden layers property with the page.
↑ #use_hidden_objects=(setting) ⇒ Object
Sets the page's use hidden objects property.
↑ #use_hidden_objects? ⇒ Boolean
Returns the use hidden objects property from the page.
↑ #use_rendering_options=(setting) ⇒ Object
The use_rendering_optoins= method sets the page's display settings property.
↑ #use_rendering_options? ⇒ Boolean
The use_rendering_options? method determines whether you are storing the rendering options property with the page.
↑ #use_section_planes=(setting) ⇒ Object
The use_section_planes= method sets the page's section planes property.
↑ #use_section_planes? ⇒ Boolean
The use_section_planes? method determines whether you are storing the section planes property with the page.
↑ #use_shadow_info=(setting) ⇒ Object
The use_shadow_info= method sets the page's shadow info property.
↑ #use_shadow_info? ⇒ Boolean
The use_shadow_info? method determines whether you are storing the shadow info property with the page.
↑ #use_style=(style) ⇒ Object
The use_style= method sets the style to be used by the page.
↑ #use_style? ⇒ Boolean
The use_style? method determines whether storing a style with the page.