Class: Sketchup::Group
- Inherits:
- Object
- Entity
- Drawingelement
- Sketchup::Group
A Group class contains methods for manipulating groups of entities.
Groups in SketchUp are very similar to components, but can from a user point of view be thought of as unique objects. Groups can be instanced when copied but are silently made unique when edited through the GUI. To honor this behavior, make sure to call #make_unique before modifying a group through the API.
Instance Method Summary # collapse
#add_observer(observer) ⇒ Boolean
The add_observer method is used to add a ComponentInstance observer to the group.
#copy ⇒ Sketchup::Group
The copy method is used to create a new Group object that is a copy of the group.
#definition ⇒ Sketchup::ComponentDefinition
The definition method is used to retrieve the component definition for this group.
#description ⇒ String
The description method is used to retrieve the description for the group.
#description=(description) ⇒ String
The description= method is used to set the description for the group.
#entities ⇒ Sketchup::Entities
The entities method is used to retrieve a collection of entities in the group.
#equals?(group) ⇒ Boolean
The equals? method is used to determine if a group is geometrically equivalent to another group.
#explode ⇒ Array<Sketchup::Drawingelement>
The explode method is used to explode the group into individual entities.
#glued_to ⇒ Sketchup::Face, ...
The #glued_to method is used to retrieve the entity that this group is glued to.
#glued_to=(drawing_element) ⇒ Sketchup::Face, ...
The #glued_to= method glues this group to a drawing element.
#guid ⇒ String
The guid method is used to get the base 64 encoded unique id for this SketchUp object.
#intersect(group) ⇒ Sketchup::Group?
The intersect method is used to compute the boolean intersection of two groups representing manifold solid volumes (this & arg).
#local_bounds ⇒ Geom::BoundingBox
In favor of `group.definition.bounds`.
#locked=(lock) ⇒ Boolean
The locked= method is used to lock a group.
#locked? ⇒ Boolean
The locked? method is used to determine if a group is locked.
#make_unique ⇒ Sketchup::Group
The #make_unique method is used to force a group to have a unique definition.
#manifold? ⇒ Boolean
The manifold? method is used to determine if a group is manifold.
#move!(transformation) ⇒ Sketchup::Group
The #move! method is used to set the transformation of this group instance, similarly to #transformation= but without recording to the undo stack.
#name ⇒ String
The name method is used to retrieve the name of the group.
#name=(name) ⇒ String
The #name= method is used to set the name for the group.
#outer_shell(group) ⇒ Sketchup::Group?
The outer_shell method is used to compute the outer shell of the two groups representing manifold solid volumes (this || arg).
#remove_observer(observer) ⇒ Boolean
The remove_observer method is used to remove a ComponentInstance observer from the group.
#show_differences(group, verbose) ⇒ Boolean
The show_differences method is used to determine if a group is geometrically equivalent to another group and in addition move the non- matching and matching geometry to new layers.
#split(group) ⇒ Array(Sketchup::Group, Sketchup::Group, Sketchup::Group)?
The split method is used to compute the boolean split (map overlay) of the two groups representing manifold solid volumes (this ^ arg).
#subtract(group) ⇒ Sketchup::Group?
The subtract method is used to compute the boolean difference of the two groups representing manifold solid volumes (this - arg).
#to_component ⇒ Sketchup::ComponentInstance
The to_component method is used to convert the group to a component instance.
#transform!(transform) ⇒ Sketchup::Group
The transform! method is used to apply a transformation to a group.
#transformation ⇒ Geom::Transformation
The transformation method is used to retrieve the transformation for the group.
#transformation=(transformation) ⇒ Object
The #transformation= method is used to set the transformation of this group.
#trim(group) ⇒ Sketchup::Group?
The #trim method is used to compute the (non-destructive) boolean difference of the two groups representing manifold solid volumes (this - arg).
#union(group) ⇒ Sketchup::Group?
The union method is used to compute the boolean union of the two groups representing manifold solid volumes (this | arg).
#volume ⇒ Float
The volume method is used to compute the volume of this group if and only if this group is manifold.
Methods inherited from Drawingelement
#bounds, #casts_shadows=, #casts_shadows?, #erase!, #hidden=, #hidden?, #layer, #layer=, #material, #material=, #receives_shadows=, #receives_shadows?, #visible=, #visible?
Methods inherited from Entity
#attribute_dictionaries, #attribute_dictionary, #delete_attribute, #deleted?, #entityID, #get_attribute, #inspect, #model, #parent, #persistent_id, #set_attribute, #to_s, #typename, #valid?
Instance Method Details
↑ #add_observer(observer) ⇒ Boolean
The add_observer method is used to add a ComponentInstance observer to the group.
↑ #copy ⇒ Sketchup::Group
The copy method is used to create a new Group object that is a copy of the group.
↑ #definition ⇒ Sketchup::ComponentDefinition
The definition method is used to retrieve the component definition for this group.
↑ #description=(description) ⇒ String
The description= method is used to set the description for the group.
↑ #entities ⇒ Sketchup::Entities
The entities method is used to retrieve a collection of entities in the group.
↑ #equals?(group) ⇒ Boolean
The equals? method is used to determine if a group is geometrically equivalent to another group.
↑ #explode ⇒ Array<Sketchup::Drawingelement>
The explode method is used to explode the group into individual entities.
↑ #glued_to ⇒ Sketchup::Face, ...
The #glued_to method is used to retrieve the entity that this group is glued to.
↑ #glued_to=(drawing_element) ⇒ Sketchup::Face, ...
The #glued_to= method glues this group to a drawing element. When moving this other drawing elment with the Move tool, the glued group moves with it.
↑ #guid ⇒ String
The guid method is used to get the base 64 encoded unique id for this SketchUp object.
↑ #intersect(group) ⇒ Sketchup::Group?
This method is not available in SketchUp Make.
The intersect method is used to compute the boolean intersection of two groups representing manifold solid volumes (this & arg). If the specified objects (this and arg) do not represent manifold volumes, this method fails.
↑ #local_bounds ⇒ Geom::BoundingBox
In favor of `group.definition.bounds`.
The #local_bounds method is used to retrieve the Geom::BoundingBox bounding the contents of a Sketchup::Group, in the group's own internal coordinate system.
↑ #locked=(lock) ⇒ Boolean
The locked= method is used to lock a group.
↑ #locked? ⇒ Boolean
The locked? method is used to determine if a group is locked.
↑ #make_unique ⇒ Sketchup::Group
The #make_unique method is used to force a group to have a unique definition. If the group is already unique in the model, nothing happens.
Copying a group in SketchUp will create a group that shares the same definition. SketchUp implicitly makes group unique when edited from the GUI, and from a user point of view groups could be thought of as always being unique. To honor this behavior, call this method before editing a group through the API.
↑ #manifold? ⇒ Boolean
The manifold? method is used to determine if a group is manifold.
↑ #move!(transformation) ⇒ Sketchup::Group
Despite the name being similar to #transform!, this method closer corresponds to #transformation=.
The #move! method is used to set the transformation of this group instance, similarly to #transformation= but without recording to the undo stack.
This method is useful for moving entities inside of an animation or page transition.
↑ #outer_shell(group) ⇒ Sketchup::Group?
The outer_shell method is used to compute the outer shell of the two groups representing manifold solid volumes (this || arg). If the specified objects (this and arg) do not represent manifold volumes, this method fails.
↑ #remove_observer(observer) ⇒ Boolean
The remove_observer method is used to remove a ComponentInstance observer from the group.
↑ #show_differences(group, verbose) ⇒ Boolean
The show_differences method is used to determine if a group is geometrically equivalent to another group and in addition move the non- matching and matching geometry to new layers.
This method will move both groups to Layer0. Geometry that is the same in both groups will be moved to a new layer named group_name + “_same”. Geometry that is not the same will be moved to a layer named group_name + “_diff”.
If verbose is true, a list of all the geometry that is different from one group to the other is displayed texturally in the Ruby Console.
↑ #split(group) ⇒ Array(Sketchup::Group, Sketchup::Group, Sketchup::Group)?
This method is not available in SketchUp Make.
The split method is used to compute the boolean split (map overlay) of the two groups representing manifold solid volumes (this ^ arg). If the specified objects (this and arg) do not represent manifold volumes, this method fails.
↑ #subtract(group) ⇒ Sketchup::Group?
This method is not available in SketchUp Make.
The subtract method is used to compute the boolean difference of the two groups representing manifold solid volumes (this - arg). If the specified objects (this and arg) do not represent manifold volumes, this method fails.
↑ #to_component ⇒ Sketchup::ComponentInstance
The to_component method is used to convert the group to a component instance.
↑ #transform!(transform) ⇒ Sketchup::Group
The transform! method is used to apply a transformation to a group.
↑ #transformation ⇒ Geom::Transformation
The transformation method is used to retrieve the transformation for the group.
↑ #transformation=(transformation) ⇒ Object
The #transformation= method is used to set the transformation of this group
↑ #trim(group) ⇒ Sketchup::Group?
Trimming object group2 using group1 results in a new trimmed version of group2. If the trim is successful the original group2 is erased and a newly trimmed version is created. This new version, derived from the trimming operation, will possess a new GUID and will be returned.
This method is not available in SketchUp Make.
The #trim method is used to compute the (non-destructive) boolean difference of the two groups representing manifold solid volumes (this - arg). If the specified objects (this and arg) do not represent manifold volumes, this method fails.
↑ #union(group) ⇒ Sketchup::Group?
This method is not available in SketchUp Make.
The union method is used to compute the boolean union of the two groups representing manifold solid volumes (this | arg). If the specified objects (this and arg) do not represent manifold volumes, this method fails.
↑ #volume ⇒ Float
The volume method is used to compute the volume of this group if and only if this group is manifold.