Class: Sketchup::Model
- Inherits:
- Object
- Sketchup::Model
This is the interface to a SketchUp model. The model is the 3D drawing that the user is working with, and it serves as the “entry point” for most Ruby API interactions. The Sketchup.active_model method gives you a handle to the current model, and from there you can use the model-level methods to start getting information and making changes.
Constants for model versions # collapse
- Sketchup::Model::VERSION_3
- Sketchup::Model::VERSION_4
- Sketchup::Model::VERSION_5
- Sketchup::Model::VERSION_6
- Sketchup::Model::VERSION_7
- Sketchup::Model::VERSION_8
- Sketchup::Model::VERSION_2013
- Sketchup::Model::VERSION_2014
- Sketchup::Model::VERSION_2015
- Sketchup::Model::VERSION_2016
- Sketchup::Model::VERSION_2017
- Sketchup::Model::VERSION_2018
- Sketchup::Model::VERSION_2019
- Sketchup::Model::VERSION_2020
- Sketchup::Model::VERSION_2021
Constants for SketchUp product family types # collapse
- Sketchup::Model::ProTrial
- Sketchup::Model::ProLicensed
- Sketchup::Model::MakeTrial
- Sketchup::Model::Make
Constants for SketchUp model load status # collapse
- Sketchup::Model::LOAD_STATUS_SUCCESS
Instance Method Summary # collapse
#abort_operation ⇒ Boolean
The #abort_operation method aborts the current operation started with the start_operation method.
#active_entities ⇒ Sketchup::Entities
Returns an Entities object which contains the entities in the open group or component instance.
#active_layer ⇒ Sketchup::Layer
The #active_layer method retrieves the active Layer.
#active_layer=(layer) ⇒ Sketchup::Layer
The #active_layer= method sets the active Layer object.
#active_path ⇒ Array<Sketchup::Drawingelement>?
Returns an array containing the sequence of entities the user has double-clicked on for editing.
#active_path=(instance_path) ⇒ Sketchup::Model
The #active_path= method is used to open a given instance path for editing.
#active_view ⇒ Sketchup::View
The #active_view method returns the active View object for this model.
#add_note(note, x, y) ⇒ Sketchup::Text
Add a text note to the Model.
#add_observer(observer) ⇒ Boolean
The add_observer method is used to add an observer to the current object.
#attribute_dictionaries ⇒ Sketchup::AttributeDictionaries
The #attribute_dictionaries method retrieves the AttributeDictionaries object that is associated with the Model.
#attribute_dictionary(name, create = false) ⇒ Sketchup::AttributeDictionary
Returns the Sketchup::AttributeDictionary object that is specified by name.
#axes ⇒ Sketchup::Axes
The #axes method returns the drawing axes for the model.
#behavior ⇒ Sketchup::Behavior
The behavior method retrieves the behavior of the model.
#bounds ⇒ Geom::BoundingBox
The #bounds method is used to retrieve the Geom::BoundingBox bounding the contents of a Model.
#classifications ⇒ Sketchup::Classifications
The #classifications method is used to retrieve the Classifications object for this model.
#close(ignore_changes = false) ⇒ nil
The #close method is used to close this model.
#close_active ⇒ Boolean
The #close_active method is used to close the currently active (open) group or component.
#commit_operation ⇒ Boolean
The commit_operation method commits an operation for undo.
#definitions ⇒ Sketchup::DefinitionList
The #definitions method retrieves a definition list containing all of the component definitions in the model.
#description ⇒ String
The description method retrieves a description of the model as found in the Model Info > Files panel.
#description=(description) ⇒ String
The #description= method sets the description of the model.
#drawing_element_visible?(instance_path) ⇒ Boolean
The #drawing_element_visible? method reports whether the given drawing element in an instance path is visible given the current model options.
#edit_transform ⇒ Geom::Transformation
Returns the transformation of the current component edit session.
- #entities ⇒ Sketchup::Entities
#environments ⇒ Sketchup::Environments
The #environments method is used to retrieve the Environments object for this model.
#export(*args) ⇒ Object
The export method is used to export a given file format.
#find_entity_by_id(ids_or_array) ⇒ Array<Sketchup::Entity, nil>
Finds and returns entities by their entityID or GUID.
#find_entity_by_persistent_id(*args) ⇒ Object
Finds and returns entities by their persistent id.
#georeferenced? ⇒ Boolean
This methods determines if the model is georeferenced.
#get_attribute(dictname, key, defaultvalue = nil) ⇒ Object?
The get_attribute method gets the value of an attribute that in the AttributeDictionary with the given name.
#get_datum ⇒ String
the get_datum method retrieves the datum, in the form of a string, used in UTM conversions.
#get_product_family ⇒ Integer
Returns a value which indicates the product family of the installed SketchUp application.
#guid ⇒ String
The guid method retrieves the globally unique identifier, in the form of a string, for the Model.
#import(*args) ⇒ Object
The import method is used to load a file by recognizing the file extension and calling appropriate importer.
#instance_path_from_pid_path(pid_path) ⇒ Sketchup::InstancePath
The #instance_path_from_pid_path method returns a instance path given a string with persistent ids representing the path to the entity.
#latlong_to_point(lnglat_array) ⇒ Geom::Point3d
The latlong_to_point method converts a latitude and longitude to a Point3d object in the model.
- #layers ⇒ Sketchup::Layers
#line_styles ⇒ Sketchup::LineStyles
The #line_styles method returns the line styles manager.
#list_datums ⇒ Array<String>
This method retrieves an Array of all of the datums recognized by SketchUp.
#materials ⇒ Sketchup::Materials
The #materials method returns a collection of all of the materials in the model.
#mipmapping=(mipmap) ⇒ Boolean
This method can be used to turn mipmapping on or off.
#mipmapping? ⇒ Boolean
This method can be used to find out if mipmapping is on or off.
#modified? ⇒ Boolean
The modified? method determines if the Model has been modified since the last save.
#name ⇒ String
The #name method retrieves the name of the model.
#name=(name) ⇒ Object
The #name= method sets the string name of the model.
#number_faces ⇒ Integer
Returns the number faces in a model.
#options ⇒ Sketchup::OptionsManager
The #options method retrieves the options manager that defines the options settings for the model.
- #overlays ⇒ Sketchup::OverlaysManager
- #pages ⇒ Sketchup::Pages
#path ⇒ String
The path method retrieves the path of the file from which the model was opened.
#place_component(componentdef, repeat = false) ⇒ Sketchup::Model?
The place_component method places a new component in the Model using the component placement tool.
#point_to_latlong(point) ⇒ Geom::Point3d, Geom::LatLong
The point_to_latlong method converts a point in the model to a LatLong so that you can get its latitude and longitude.
#point_to_utm(point) ⇒ Geom::UTM
This method converts a Point3d object in the Model to UTM coordinates.
#raytest(ray, wysiwyg_flag = true) ⇒ Array(Geom::Point3d, Array<Sketchup::Drawingelement>)?
The #raytest method is used to cast a ray (line) through the model and return the first thing that the ray hits.
#remove_observer(observer) ⇒ Boolean
The remove_observer method is used to remove an observer from the current object.
#rendering_options ⇒ Sketchup::RenderingOptions
The #rendering_options method retrieves the RenderingOptions object for this model.
#save(*args) ⇒ Boolean
This method is used to save the model to a file.
#save_copy(*args) ⇒ Boolean
This method is used to save the copy of the current model to a file.
#save_thumbnail(filename) ⇒ Boolean
The save_thumbnail method is used to save a thumbnail image to a file.
#select_tool(tool) ⇒ Sketchup::Model
The #select_tool method is used to select a SketchUp Tool object as the active tool.
#selection ⇒ Sketchup::Selection
This method retrieves a Selection object for the model, containing the currently selected entities.
#set_attribute(attrdictname, key, value) ⇒ Object
This method is used to set the value of an attribute in an attribute dictionary with the given name.
#set_datum(datum) ⇒ nil
This method sets the datum used in conversions between the internal coordinate system and UTM.
#shadow_info ⇒ Sketchup::ShadowInfo
This method is used to retrieve the shadow information for the Model.
#start_operation(op_name, disable_ui = false, next_transparent = false, transparent = false) ⇒ Boolean
The #start_operation method is used to notify SketchUp that a new operation (which can be undone) is starting.
#styles ⇒ Sketchup::Styles
The #styles method retrieves the styles associated with the model.
#tags ⇒ String
The tags method retrieves the string tags of the model.
#tags=(tags) ⇒ String
The tags= method sets the string tags of the model.
#title ⇒ String
The #title method retrieves the name of the model.
- #tools ⇒ Sketchup::Tools
#utm_to_point(utm) ⇒ Geom::Point3d
The utm_to_point method converts a position given in UTM coordinates to a Point3d in the Model.
#valid? ⇒ Boolean
Determine if a model is a valid Sketchup::Model object.
Instance Method Details
↑ #abort_operation ⇒ Boolean
Never abort a transparent operation. Doing so would abort the operation it chains to. Instead, try to clean up and simply commit in order to make sure the operation is closed.
The #abort_operation method aborts the current operation started with the start_operation method.
The #abort_operation method is normally called from inside of a rescue clause to cancel an operation if something goes wrong.
↑ #active_entities ⇒ Sketchup::Entities
Returns an Entities object which contains the entities in the open group or component instance. If no group or component is open for editing then this will be the same as #entities.
To perform actions upon the current set of entities the user is working with then this is the method to use. Entities selected by the user will be a subset of the active entities.
↑ #active_layer ⇒ Sketchup::Layer
The #active_layer method retrieves the active Layer.
The default layer in SketchUp is layer 0.
↑ #active_layer=(layer) ⇒ Sketchup::Layer
The #active_layer= method sets the active Layer object.
↑ #active_path ⇒ Array<Sketchup::Drawingelement>?
Returns an array containing the sequence of entities the user has double-clicked on for editing. This allows one to determine whether they are in component edit mode and where in the model they are.
For example, if a user has double-clicked into a component to edit its geometry, and then double clicked into a sub-group to edit that, the active_path might contain:
[<Sketchup::ComponentInstance>, <Sketchup::Group>]
↑ #active_path=(instance_path) ⇒ Sketchup::Model
An instance path can only be opened if the instances are not locked. This also include instances of the same component definition that are not on the given path. A definition cannot be edited if any of its instances are locked.
When changing the active entities in SketchUp, the coordinate system also changes. Therefore, entities cannot be modified in the same operation as the active entities change. The API handles this automatically by starting and committing transparent operations as needed.
If the API user tries to do this:
model.start_operation('...', true)
model.active_path = instance_path
Then SketchUp will automatically break it up to something like to this:
model.start_operation('...', true)
model.start_operation('...', true, false, true)
model.active_path = instance_path
model.start_operation('...', true, false, true)
For the end user this will be experienced as a single operation.
For the API user the side-effect is multiple transaction notifications to Sketchup::ModelObservers.
The #active_path= method is used to open a given instance path for editing.
↑ #active_view ⇒ Sketchup::View
The #active_view method returns the active View object for this model.
↑ #add_note(note, x, y) ⇒ Sketchup::Text
Add a text note to the Model. The position of the note is given as relative window positions between 0 and 1. For example, the following command would create a note that start 1/10 of the ways down the screen from the upper left corner of the window.
↑ #add_observer(observer) ⇒ Boolean
The add_observer method is used to add an observer to the current object.
↑ #attribute_dictionaries ⇒ Sketchup::AttributeDictionaries
The #attribute_dictionaries method retrieves the AttributeDictionaries object that is associated with the Model.
↑ #attribute_dictionary(name, create = false) ⇒ Sketchup::AttributeDictionary
Returns the Sketchup::AttributeDictionary object that is specified by name. If the model does not have an attribute dictionary that corresponds to name, returns either nil, or a creates an attribute dictionary. If the optional second argument is true, and there is no attribute dictionary that corresponds to name, a new attribute dictionary is created.
↑ #axes ⇒ Sketchup::Axes
The #axes method returns the drawing axes for the model.
↑ #behavior ⇒ Sketchup::Behavior
The behavior method retrieves the behavior of the model.
↑ #bounds ⇒ Geom::BoundingBox
The #bounds method is used to retrieve the Geom::BoundingBox bounding the contents of a Sketchup::Model.
↑ #classifications ⇒ Sketchup::Classifications
The #classifications method is used to retrieve the Classifications object for this model.
↑ #close(ignore_changes = false) ⇒ nil
As of SketchUp 2024.0 this method will ensure the next model window gets focus if there is one. Before that `Sketchup.active_model` might return `nil` after calling this method even though more models where open.
The #close method is used to close this model. On Mac OS, only the active model can be closed. On Windows, since there can be only one document open, this method will perform a File/New operation.
↑ #close_active ⇒ Boolean
Before SketchUp 2014 this method had a bug where it didn't create an undo operation and that could lead to corrupted geometry when undo/redo was used after invoking this method.
The #close_active method is used to close the currently active (open) group or component.
↑ #commit_operation ⇒ Boolean
The commit_operation method commits an operation for undo.
The commit_operation method is normally called at the end of a method to commit the operation that the method performs.
↑ #definitions ⇒ Sketchup::DefinitionList
The #definitions method retrieves a definition list containing all of the component definitions in the model.
↑ #description ⇒ String
The description method retrieves a description of the model as found in the Model Info > Files panel.
The returned description can be empty. The default description for all models is empty.
↑ #description=(description) ⇒ String
The #description= method sets the description of the model.
↑ #drawing_element_visible?(instance_path) ⇒ Boolean
The #drawing_element_visible? method reports whether the given drawing element in an instance path is visible given the current model options.
↑ #edit_transform ⇒ Geom::Transformation
Returns the transformation of the current component edit session. If a user has double-clicked to edit a component's geometry, this will return the transformation of that component, relative to its parent's origin. This allows one to correctly calculate “local” transformations of a given entity regardless of whether the user is in edit mode.
↑ #entities ⇒ Sketchup::Entities
↑ #environments ⇒ Sketchup::Environments
The #environments method is used to retrieve the Environments object for this model.
↑ #export(path, show_summary = false) ⇒ Boolean #export(path, options) ⇒ Boolean
The export method is used to export a given file format. It knows which format to export based on the file extension you place on the file name. For example, a filename of “thing.obj” will export an OBJ file, whereas “thing.dae” will export a COLLADA file.
For SketchUp Pro 7.1+, valid extensions include dae, kmz, 3ds, dwg, dxf, fbx, obj, wrl, and xsi. SketchUp Free only supports dae and kmz.
Format Support Changes:
SketchUp 7.1 added COLLADA (.dae) export capability.
SketchUp Pro 2015+ added IFC export capability.
SketchUp Pro 2016+ added PDF export capability.
SketchUp Pro 2018+ added options for all 3D exporters.
See the Exporter Options file for information on creating a valid hash for the various exporters.
↑ #find_entity_by_id(ids_or_array) ⇒ Array<Sketchup::Entity, nil>
Finds and returns entities by their entityID or GUID.
GUIDs looked up are only relevant to Group and ComponentInstance as these GUIDs are persistent. ComponentDefinition and Model GUIDs are not persistent and are not looked up.
When given an array of IDs, an array is returned with a 1:1 mapping to the input arguments. This array may contain nil values if some ids were not found. You cannot look up a mix of entityIDs and GUIDs in the same call.
↑ #find_entity_by_persistent_id(ids_or_array) ⇒ Array<Sketchup::Entity, nil> #find_entity_by_persistent_id(ids_or_array, **scope) ⇒ Array<Sketchup::Entity, nil>
Finds and returns entities by their persistent id.
When given an array of IDs, an array is returned with a 1:1 mapping to the input arguments. This array may contain `nil` values if some ids were not found.
↑ #georeferenced? ⇒ Boolean
This methods determines if the model is georeferenced.
↑ #get_attribute(dictname, key, defaultvalue = nil) ⇒ Object?
The get_attribute method gets the value of an attribute that in the AttributeDictionary with the given name. If no value is associated with key, or if the model does not have an attribute dictionary specified by name, the optional third parameter will be returned.
↑ #get_datum ⇒ String
the get_datum method retrieves the datum, in the form of a string, used in UTM conversions.
↑ #get_product_family ⇒ Integer
Returns a value which indicates the product family of the installed SketchUp application.
The constants for possible return values since SketchUp 2016:
In earlier SketchUp versions there were no defined constants and additional values could be returned. As of SketchUp 2013, the return values were:
= Unknown -
= Pro Trial -
= Pro -
= Pro Expired -
= Make Trial -
= Make Expired -
= Make -
= Pro License Unavailable
↑ #guid ⇒ String
The guid method retrieves the globally unique identifier, in the form of a string, for the Model. The guid will change after the model is modified and saved. The Model guid is stored with the SketchUp file; it will not change if the file is moved to another computer.
↑ #import(path, options) ⇒ Boolean #import(path, show_summary = false) ⇒ Boolean
The import method is used to load a file by recognizing the file extension and calling appropriate importer.
See DefinitionList#import for importing a 3d model file as a component definition, without activating the UI for placing an instance.
See the Importer Options file for information on creating a valid hash for the various importers.
↑ #instance_path_from_pid_path(pid_path) ⇒ Sketchup::InstancePath
The #instance_path_from_pid_path method returns a instance path given a string with persistent ids representing the path to the entity.
↑ #latlong_to_point(lnglat_array) ⇒ Geom::Point3d
The latlong_to_point method converts a latitude and longitude to a Point3d object in the model. It does not actually work with a LatLong object, but operates on a 2-element array. The returned point will always be on the ground (z=0).
↑ #layers ⇒ Sketchup::Layers
↑ #line_styles ⇒ Sketchup::LineStyles
The #line_styles method returns the line styles manager.
↑ #list_datums ⇒ Array<String>
This method retrieves an Array of all of the datums recognized by SketchUp.
↑ #materials ⇒ Sketchup::Materials
The #materials method returns a collection of all of the materials in the model.
↑ #mipmapping=(mipmap) ⇒ Boolean
This method can be used to turn mipmapping on or off.
↑ #mipmapping? ⇒ Boolean
This method can be used to find out if mipmapping is on or off.
↑ #modified? ⇒ Boolean
The modified? method determines if the Model has been modified since the last save.
↑ #number_faces ⇒ Integer
Returns the number faces in a model.
↑ #options ⇒ Sketchup::OptionsManager
The #options method retrieves the options manager that defines the options settings for the model.
Use the string keys instead of numerical indicies when accessing the options as the indicies are not consistent between SketchUp versions.
↑ #overlays ⇒ Sketchup::OverlaysManager
↑ #pages ⇒ Sketchup::Pages
↑ #path ⇒ String
The path method retrieves the path of the file from which the model was opened.
An empty string is returned for a model that has not been saved.
↑ #place_component(componentdef, repeat = false) ⇒ Sketchup::Model?
The place_component method places a new component in the Model using the component placement tool.
↑ #point_to_latlong(point) ⇒ Geom::Point3d, Geom::LatLong
The point_to_latlong method converts a point in the model to a LatLong so that you can get its latitude and longitude.
This method uses the location information set in ShadowInfo.
NOTE: SketchUp 6.0 and higher has a change where this method returns a Point3d instead of a LatLong, where the x and y values contain the LatLong coordinates.
↑ #point_to_utm(point) ⇒ Geom::UTM
This method converts a Point3d object in the Model to UTM coordinates.
This method uses the location information set in ShadowInfo. See also UTM.
↑ #raytest(ray, wysiwyg_flag = true) ⇒ Array(Geom::Point3d, Array<Sketchup::Drawingelement>)?
The #raytest method is used to cast a ray (line) through the model and return the first thing that the ray hits.
A ray is a two element array containing a point and a vector [Geom::Point3d, Geom::Vector3d]. The point defines the start point of the ray and the vector defines the direction. If direction can not be normalized (e.g. direction = [0, 0, 0]), direction is taken as a point the ray intersects.
↑ #remove_observer(observer) ⇒ Boolean
The remove_observer method is used to remove an observer from the current object.
↑ #rendering_options ⇒ Sketchup::RenderingOptions
The #rendering_options method retrieves the RenderingOptions object for this model.
↑ #save ⇒ Boolean #save(path) ⇒ Boolean #save(path, version) ⇒ Boolean
A bug in SketchUp 2016 and older caused the .skb
backup file written during save to be empty. The .skp
file was however valid.
Starting with SketchUp 2021, SketchUp is using a the same file format across versions. For instance, SketchUp 2021 can open a file made in SketchUp 2022.
This method is used to save the model to a file.
↑ #save_copy(path) ⇒ Boolean #save_copy(path, version) ⇒ Boolean
This method is used to save the copy of the current model to a file.
↑ #save_thumbnail(filename) ⇒ Boolean
The save_thumbnail method is used to save a thumbnail image to a file. The image format is specified by the file extension of filename. Supported formats are bmp, jpg, png, tif, pct, and gif.
↑ #select_tool(tool) ⇒ Sketchup::Model
If you call select_tool from within the initialize method of a custom tool, the call will be ignored.
The #select_tool method is used to select a SketchUp Tool object as the active tool. To activate the native Select tool, pass nil as the argument.
Before calling this method, you need to implement the SketchUp Tool interface and create a tool object. Then, pass the tool object to this method to activate it.
the native Select tool.
↑ #selection ⇒ Sketchup::Selection
This method retrieves a Selection object for the model, containing the currently selected entities. The entries in the selection list are not necessarily in the same order in which the user selected them.
↑ #set_attribute(attrdictname, key, value) ⇒ Object
This method is used to set the value of an attribute in an attribute dictionary with the given name.
This method can be used create a new AttributeDictionary object, if needed.
↑ #set_datum(datum) ⇒ nil
This method sets the datum used in conversions between the internal coordinate system and UTM.
The default datum is WGS84. You can use the method list_datums to get a list of all of the datums supported in SketchUp. If you pass an invalid datum to set_datum, set_datum returns the default datum.
↑ #shadow_info ⇒ Sketchup::ShadowInfo
This method is used to retrieve the shadow information for the Model.
↑ #start_operation(op_name, disable_ui = false, next_transparent = false, transparent = false) ⇒ Boolean
Operations in SketchUp are sequential and cannot be nested. If you start a new Ruby operation while another is still open, you will implicitly close the first one.
The #start_operation method is used to notify SketchUp that a new operation (which can be undone) is starting.
The op_name
argument is a description for the operation that is displayed adjacent to the Edit > Undo menu item. Make sure to provide a user friendly name for your operation.
Starting with SketchUp 7.0, there are three additional booleans that one can pass in when starting an operation. It is recommended to always set disable_ui
to true
. It's left to false
for default for compatibility reasons.
↑ #styles ⇒ Sketchup::Styles
The #styles method retrieves the styles associated with the model.
↑ #title ⇒ String
The #title method retrieves the name of the model. If the model is saved on disk, returns the file name without extension. Otherwise returns an empty string.
↑ #tools ⇒ Sketchup::Tools
↑ #utm_to_point(utm) ⇒ Geom::Point3d
The utm_to_point method converts a position given in UTM coordinates to a Point3d in the Model.
↑ #valid? ⇒ Boolean
Determine if a model is a valid Sketchup::Model object. Returns false if the model has been closed.
This is useful on the mac where one can have multiple models open at the same time. In such a case, this method can tell you if the user has closed the model before you perform operations on it.