Class: Sketchup::Pages
The Pages class contains methods for manipulating a collection of Pages (Named “scenes” in the UI.) in a model.
You get a handle to this collection by calling Model.pages.
Class Method Summary # collapse
.add_frame_change_observer(object) ⇒ Integer
The Pages.add_frame_change_observer method is used to add a new frame change observer that is called with each frame of an animation, meaning the end user has clicked on a Scene tab (aka Page) inside SketchUp and the camera is animating to that scene.
.remove_frame_change_observer(observer_id) ⇒ Boolean
The Pages.remove_frame_change_observer method is used to remove a frame change observer.
Instance Method Summary # collapse
#[](index_or_name) ⇒ Object
The [] method retrieves a page by either name or index.
#add(name = nil, flags = PAGE_USE_ALL, index = self.size) ⇒ Sketchup::Page
The #add method is used to add a new Page object to the collection.
#add_matchphoto_page(image_filename, camera = nil, page_name = nil) ⇒ Sketchup::Page
The #add_matchphoto_page method is used to add a photomatch page to the model.
#add_observer(observer) ⇒ Object
The add_observer method is used to add an observer to the Pages object.
- #count ⇒ Integer
#each {|page| ... } ⇒ nil
The #each method is used to iterate through pages in the model.
#erase(page) ⇒ Boolean
The #erase method is used to remove a page from the collection.
- #length ⇒ Integer
#parent ⇒ Object
The parent method is used to determine the model for the Pages collection.
#remove_observer(observer) ⇒ Object
The remove_observer method is used to remove an observer from the current object.
- #reorder(page, new_index) ⇒ Object
#selected_page ⇒ Object
The selected_page method is used to retrieve the currently selected page.
#selected_page=(page) ⇒ Object
The selected_page method is used to set the currently selected page.
#show_frame_at(seconds) ⇒ Array(Sketchup::Page, Float)?
The #show_frame_at method is used to show a frame in animation (of the slide show) at a given time in seconds.
#size ⇒ Integer
The #size method is used to retrieve the number of pages.
#slideshow_time ⇒ Object
The slideshow_time method is used to get the amount of time that a slideshow of all of the pages will take.
Methods inherited from Entity
#attribute_dictionaries, #attribute_dictionary, #delete_attribute, #deleted?, #entityID, #get_attribute, #inspect, #model, #persistent_id, #set_attribute, #to_s, #typename, #valid?
Class Method Details
↑ .add_frame_change_observer(object) ⇒ Integer
The add_frame_change_observer method is used to add a new frame change observer that is called with each frame of an animation, meaning the end user has clicked on a Scene tab (aka Page) inside SketchUp and the camera is animating to that scene.
The method returns an integer id that can be stored and later used to remove the observer with the remove_frame_change_observer method.
↑ .remove_frame_change_observer(observer_id) ⇒ Boolean
The remove_frame_change_observer method is used to remove a frame change observer
Instance Method Details
↑ #[](index_or_name) ⇒ Object
The [] method retrieves a page by either name or index.
↑ #add(name = nil, flags = PAGE_USE_ALL, index = self.size) ⇒ Sketchup::Page
The #add method is used to add a new Page object to the collection.
If no name is given, then a new name is generated using the default name for new Pages. If a name is given, then a new Page with that name is added.
If the flags parameter is given, it controls which properties are saved with the Page. See the Sketchup::Page#update method for a description of the flags that can be set.
If index is given, it specifies the position in the page list that the new page is added. Otherwise the new page is added to the end.
↑ #add_matchphoto_page(image_filename, camera = nil, page_name = nil) ⇒ Sketchup::Page
The #add_matchphoto_page method is used to add a photomatch page to the model. This is an advanced feature that was added to support internal SketchUp work, so it is unlikely to be useful to you.
↑ #add_observer(observer) ⇒ Object
The add_observer method is used to add an observer to the Pages object. See the PagesObserver interface for more details.
↑ #count ⇒ Integer
↑ #parent ⇒ Object
The parent method is used to determine the model for the Pages collection.
↑ #remove_observer(observer) ⇒ Object
The remove_observer method is used to remove an observer from the current object. See the PagesObserver interface for more details.
↑ #reorder(page, new_index) ⇒ Object
The #reorder method is used to reorder an existing Sketchup::Page object inside collection.
specifies the new position of the page. It should be a value between 0
and the max index of the Sketchup::Pages collection. Negative indices can be used to specify an index from the end of the list.
↑ #selected_page ⇒ Object
The selected_page method is used to retrieve the currently selected page.
↑ #selected_page=(page) ⇒ Object
The selected_page method is used to set the currently selected page. Once you set this, SketchUp will animate to that page as if the user had clicked on its scene tab.
↑ #show_frame_at(seconds) ⇒ Array(Sketchup::Page, Float)?
In versions prior to SketchUp 2019 this method will crash if called when there are no pages in the model.
The #show_frame_at method is used to show a frame in animation (of the slide show) at a given time in seconds.
↑ #slideshow_time ⇒ Object
The slideshow_time method is used to get the amount of time that a slideshow of all of the pages will take. This takes into account the transition time for each Page and the amount of time that each Page is displayed.