Class: Length
- Inherits:
- Object
- Float
- Length
Prior to SketchUp 2015, Length
used to be derived from Float
. This is no longer the case.
When serializing a Length object to a string to save for later use, e.g. in a config file, first convert them to Float objects. The string representation of a Length is rounded and uses the local decimal separator which can lead to data loss and portability issues. The string representation is intended for humans, not computers.
Because length units are used so often in SketchUp, a special class has been added to make it easier to work with length values. You can use a Length object any place that you would use a Float.
Internally, all lengths in SketchUp are stored in inches. The Length class stores values in inches as well. A number of methods have been added to the Ruby Numeric class to do units conversions.
The setting for the Length Format and Length Unit can be retrieved from the Sketchup::Model#options by querying the “UnitsOptions” Sketchup::OptionsProvider for “LengthFormat” and “LengthUnit” respectively.
- Length Format
- Length Unit
(Added in SketchUp 2020.0)
- Area Unit
(Added in SketchUp 2019.2)
(Added in SketchUp 2020.0)
- Volume Unit
(Added in SketchUp 2019.2)
(Added in SketchUp 2020.0)
Length Format # collapse
- Length::Decimal
- Length::Architectural
- Length::Engineering
- Length::Fractional
Length Unit # collapse
- Length::Inches
- Length::Feet
- Length::Millimeter
- Length::Centimeter
- Length::Meter
- Length::Yard
Area Unit # collapse
- Length::SquareInches
- Length::SquareFeet
- Length::SquareMillimeter
- Length::SquareCentimeter
- Length::SquareMeter
- Length::SquareYard
Volume Unit # collapse
- Length::CubicInches
- Length::CubicFeet
- Length::CubicMillimeter
- Length::CubicCentimeter
- Length::CubicMeter
- Length::CubicYard
- Length::Liter
- Length::USGallon
Instance Method Summary # collapse
#<(length2) ⇒ Boolean
The < method is used to see if one length is less than another length.
#<=(length2) ⇒ Boolean
The <= method is used to see if one length is less than or equal to another length.
#<=>(length2) ⇒ Integer
The <=> method is used to see if one length is less than equal or greater than another length.
#==(length2) ⇒ Boolean
The == method is used to see if one length is equal to another length.
#>(length2) ⇒ Boolean
The > method is used to see if one length is greater than another length.
#>=(length2) ⇒ Boolean
The >= method is used to see if one length is greater than or equal to another length.
#inspect ⇒ String
The inspect method is used to retrieve an unformatted string for the length, which is the length in inches, regardless of the user's model unit settings.
#to_f ⇒ Float
The to_f method is used to convert a length to a normal float.
#to_s ⇒ String
Format a length as a String using the current units formatting settings for the model.
Instance Method Details
↑ #<(length2) ⇒ Boolean
The < method is used to see if one length is less than another length.
For example, if l1 = 1.0.inch and l2 = 1.000001.inch then l1 == l2 so l1 < l2 should return false.
↑ #<=(length2) ⇒ Boolean
The <= method is used to see if one length is less than or equal to another length.
↑ #<=>(length2) ⇒ Integer
The <=> method is used to see if one length is less than equal or greater than another length. Because we change == for Length to do a test based on a tolerance, we also need to change <=> to also take tolerance into account.
↑ #==(length2) ⇒ Boolean
The == method is used to see if one length is equal to another length.
The equality comparison on Length values uses the default tolerance that SketchUp uses for comparing lengths.
↑ #>(length2) ⇒ Boolean
The > method is used to see if one length is greater than another length.
For example, if l1 = 1.0.inch and l2 = 1.000001.inch then l1 == l2 so l1 > l2 should return false.
↑ #>=(length2) ⇒ Boolean
The >= method is used to see if one length is greater than or equal to another length.
For example, if l1 = 1.0.inch and l2 = 1.000001.inch then l1 == l2 so l1 >= l2 should return true. Also L1 <= l2 would return true.
↑ #inspect ⇒ String
The inspect method is used to retrieve an unformatted string for the length, which is the length in inches, regardless of the user's model unit settings. See Length.to_s for a way automatically format your Length to the user's model units.
↑ #to_f ⇒ Float
The to_f method is used to convert a length to a normal float.