Class: Layout::LinearDimension
References a linear dimension entity. A LinearDimension is composed of the following sub-entities:
two 'extension lines' that connect to the Entity being dimensioned.
a 'dimension line' connecting the ends of the leaders. This may be represented by one or two Paths depending on appearance.
an optional 'leader line' that is used for small LinearDimensions.
a 'dimension text' that displays the LinearDimension's text.
There are six points that may be modified for a LinearDimension:
two 'connection points' that define the start and end of the LinearDimension.
two 'extent points' that define the start and end of the dimension line and are the ends of the two extension lines.
two 'offset points' that define the starting points of the extension lines.
Constant Summary # collapse
- Layout::LinearDimension::LEADER_LINE_TYPE_TWO_SEGMENT
- Layout::LinearDimension::LEADER_LINE_TYPE_BEZIER
- Layout::LinearDimension::LEADER_LINE_TYPE_HIDDEN
Instance Method Summary # collapse
#auto_scale=(uses_auto_scale) ⇒ Object
The #auto_scale= method sets whether the scale for the LinearDimension is set automatically.
#auto_scale? ⇒ Boolean
The #auto_scale? method returns whether the scale for the LinearDimension is set automatically.
#connect(start_connection, end_connection) ⇒ Object
The #connect method connects the LinearDimension to one or two Entitys using the provided ConnectionPoints.
#custom_text=(uses_custom_text) ⇒ Object
The #custom_text= method sets whether the LinearDimension uses custom text.
#custom_text? ⇒ Boolean
The #custom_text? method returns whether the LinearDimension uses custom text.
#disconnect ⇒ Object
The #disconnect method disconnects the LinearDimension from its ConnectionPoints.
#end_connection_point ⇒ Geom::Point2d
The #end_connection_point method returns the paper space location for the second connection.
#end_connection_point=(end_point) ⇒ Object
The #end_connection_point= method sets the paper space location for the second connection.
#end_extent_point ⇒ Geom::Point2d
The #end_extent_point method returns the paper space location for the end of the dimension line.
#end_extent_point=(end_extent) ⇒ Object
The #end_extent_point= method sets the paper space location for the end of the dimension line.
#end_offset_length=(offset_length) ⇒ Object
The #end_offset_length= method sets the length of the offset from the second ConnectionPoint to the start of the second extension line.
#end_offset_point ⇒ Geom::Point2d
The #end_offset_point method returns the paper space location for the end of the first extension line.
#entities ⇒ Layout::Entities
The #entities method returns the Entities that represent the LinearDimension in its exploded form.
#initialize(start_point, end_point, height) ⇒ Layout::LinearDimension
The #initialize method creates a new disconnected LinearDimension.
#leader_line_type ⇒ Integer
The #leader_line_type method returns the type of leader line the LinearDimension is using.
#leader_line_type=(type) ⇒ Object
The #leader_line_type= method sets the type of leader line the LinearDimension is using.
#scale ⇒ Numeric
The #scale method returns the scale being used for the LinearDimension.
#scale=(scale) ⇒ Object
The #scale= method sets the scale being used for the LinearDimension.
#start_connection_point ⇒ Geom::Point2d
The #start_connection_point method returns the paper space location for the first connection.
#start_connection_point=(start_point) ⇒ Object
The #start_connection_point= method sets the paper space location for the first connection.
#start_extent_point ⇒ Geom::Point2d
The #start_extent_point method returns the paper space location for the start of the dimension line.
#start_extent_point=(start_extent) ⇒ Object
The #start_extent_point= method sets the paper space location for the start of the dimension line.
#start_offset_length=(offset_length) ⇒ Object
The #start_offset_length= method sets the length of the offset from the first ConnectionPoint to the start of the first extension line.
#start_offset_point ⇒ Geom::Point2d
The #start_offset_point method returns the paper space location for the start of the first extension line.
#text ⇒ Layout::FormattedText
The #text method returns a copy of the LinearDimension's FormattedText.
#text=(formatted_text) ⇒ Object
The #text= method sets the LinearDimension's FormattedText.
Methods inherited from Entity
#==, #bounds, #document, #drawing_bounds, #group, #layer_instance, #locked=, #locked?, #move_to_group, #move_to_layer, #on_shared_layer?, #page, #style, #style=, #transform!, #transformation, #untransformed_bounds, #untransformed_bounds=
Constructor Details
↑ #initialize(start_point, end_point, height) ⇒ Layout::LinearDimension
The #initialize method creates a new disconnected Layout::LinearDimension.
Instance Method Details
↑ #auto_scale=(uses_auto_scale) ⇒ Object
The #auto_scale= method sets whether the scale for the Layout::LinearDimension is set automatically.
↑ #auto_scale? ⇒ Boolean
The #auto_scale? method returns whether the scale for the Layout::LinearDimension is set automatically.
↑ #connect(start_connection, end_connection) ⇒ Object
The #connect method connects the Layout::LinearDimension to one or two Entitys using the provided ConnectionPoints. The Layout::LinearDimension must be in the same Document as the Entitys, and on the same Page if the Entitys are on non-shared Layout::Layers.
↑ #custom_text=(uses_custom_text) ⇒ Object
The #custom_text= method sets whether the Layout::LinearDimension uses custom text. When true
, the Layout::LinearDimension will display a custom string that doesn't change. When false
, it will display the length measurement and will update automatically.
↑ #custom_text? ⇒ Boolean
The #custom_text? method returns whether the Layout::LinearDimension uses custom text. When true
, the Layout::LinearDimension will display a custom string that doesn't change. When false
, it will display the length measurement and will update automatically.
↑ #disconnect ⇒ Object
The #disconnect method disconnects the Layout::LinearDimension from its ConnectionPoints. The dimension will not be adjusted by disconnecting from its ConnectionPoints.
↑ #end_connection_point ⇒ Geom::Point2d
The #end_connection_point method returns the paper space location for the second connection.
↑ #end_connection_point=(end_point) ⇒ Object
The #end_connection_point= method sets the paper space location for the second connection.
↑ #end_extent_point ⇒ Geom::Point2d
The #end_extent_point method returns the paper space location for the end of the dimension line.
↑ #end_extent_point=(end_extent) ⇒ Object
The #end_extent_point= method sets the paper space location for the end of the dimension line.
↑ #end_offset_length=(offset_length) ⇒ Object
The #end_offset_length= method sets the length of the offset from the second ConnectionPoint to the start of the second extension line. The ConnectionPoint and extent point will not move.
↑ #end_offset_point ⇒ Geom::Point2d
The #end_offset_point method returns the paper space location for the end of the first extension line. The first extension line runs from this offset point to the end extent point.
↑ #entities ⇒ Layout::Entities
The #entities method returns the Entities that represent the Layout::LinearDimension in its exploded form. Depending on the appearance of the Layout::LinearDimension, this may return anywhere from four to six Entitys: start extension line, end extension line, one or two dimension lines, dimension text, and optionally the leader line.
↑ #leader_line_type ⇒ Integer
The #leader_line_type method returns the type of leader line the Layout::LinearDimension is using.
The leader line type can be one of the following:
↑ #leader_line_type=(type) ⇒ Object
The #leader_line_type= method sets the type of leader line the Layout::LinearDimension is using.
The leader line type can be one of the following:
↑ #scale ⇒ Numeric
The #scale method returns the scale being used for the Layout::LinearDimension.
↑ #scale=(scale) ⇒ Object
The #scale= method sets the scale being used for the Layout::LinearDimension.
↑ #start_connection_point ⇒ Geom::Point2d
The #start_connection_point method returns the paper space location for the first connection.
↑ #start_connection_point=(start_point) ⇒ Object
The #start_connection_point= method sets the paper space location for the first connection.
↑ #start_extent_point ⇒ Geom::Point2d
The #start_extent_point method returns the paper space location for the start of the dimension line.
↑ #start_extent_point=(start_extent) ⇒ Object
The #start_extent_point= method sets the paper space location for the start of the dimension line.
↑ #start_offset_length=(offset_length) ⇒ Object
The #start_offset_length= method sets the length of the offset from the first ConnectionPoint to the start of the first extension line. The ConnectionPoint and extent point will not move.
↑ #start_offset_point ⇒ Geom::Point2d
The #start_offset_point method returns the paper space location for the start of the first extension line. The first extension line runs from this offset point to the start extent point.
↑ #text ⇒ Layout::FormattedText
With the addition of auto-text in dimensions for LayOut 2019.2, the copy of the dimension text incorrectly provided the plain text when requesting the display text. This has been fixed for LayOut 2020.1.
The #text method returns a copy of the Layout::LinearDimension's FormattedText.
↑ #text=(formatted_text) ⇒ Object
The #text= method sets the Layout::LinearDimension's FormattedText.