Class: Sketchup::ConstructionLine
- Inherits:
- Object
- Entity
- Drawingelement
- Sketchup::ConstructionLine
The ConstructionLine class contains methods for modifying construction lines. Construction lines can be infinite in length, semi-infinite (i.e. infinite in one direction) or finite.
Instance Method Summary # collapse
#direction ⇒ Object
The direction method retrieves a 3D vector in the direction of the construction line.
#direction=(vector) ⇒ Object
The direction= method is used to set the direction of the construction line to a 3D vector.
#end ⇒ Object
The end method retrieves the end point of a construction line in the form of a 3D point.
#end=(arg) ⇒ Object
The end= method is used to set the end point of the construction line.
#position ⇒ Object
The position method is used to retrieve a 3D point used to create a construction line on an infinite construction line.
#position=(point) ⇒ Object
The position= method is used to set a 3D point that the construction passes through.
#reverse! ⇒ Object
The reverse! method is used to reverse the direction of the construction line.
#start ⇒ Object
The start method is used to retrieve the starting point of a construction line.
#start=(arg) ⇒ Object
The start= method is used to set the start point of a construction line making the line's length finite at the start.
#stipple ⇒ Integer
The #stipple method is used to retrieve the stipple pattern used to display the construction line.
#stipple=(pattern) ⇒ Object
The #stipple= method is used to set the stipple pattern used to display the construction line.
Methods inherited from Drawingelement
#bounds, #casts_shadows=, #casts_shadows?, #erase!, #hidden=, #hidden?, #layer, #layer=, #material, #material=, #receives_shadows=, #receives_shadows?, #visible=, #visible?
Methods inherited from Entity
#add_observer, #attribute_dictionaries, #attribute_dictionary, #delete_attribute, #deleted?, #entityID, #get_attribute, #inspect, #model, #parent, #persistent_id, #remove_observer, #set_attribute, #to_s, #typename, #valid?
Instance Method Details
↑ #direction ⇒ Object
The direction method retrieves a 3D vector in the direction of the construction line.
↑ #direction=(vector) ⇒ Object
The direction= method is used to set the direction of the construction line to a 3D vector.
↑ #end ⇒ Object
The end method retrieves the end point of a construction line in the form of a 3D point.
If the construction line is infinite at the end, this returns nil.
↑ #end=(point) ⇒ Object #end=(nil) ⇒ Object
The end= method is used to set the end point of the construction line. This method will make the length finite at the end.
Set the end to nil to make the construction line infinite at the end.
↑ #position ⇒ Object
The position method is used to retrieve a 3D point used to create a construction line on an infinite construction line.
↑ #position=(point) ⇒ Object
The position= method is used to set a 3D point that the construction passes through
↑ #reverse! ⇒ Object
The reverse! method is used to reverse the direction of the construction line.
↑ #start ⇒ Object
The start method is used to retrieve the starting point of a construction line.
If the construction line is infinite at the start, this returns nil.
↑ #start=(point) ⇒ Object #start=(nil) ⇒ Object
The start= method is used to set the start point of a construction line making the line's length finite at the start.
Setting the start to nil will make the construction line infinite at the start.