Module: Sketchup
The Sketchup module contains a number of important utility methods for use in your Ruby scripts. Many of the classes in the API are implemented beneath this module. You can think of the Sketchup module as the “root” of the application tree. Most ruby calls start from the currently active model, and this is accessed via the Sketchup.active_model method.
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: Http, Licensing, RegionalSettings, Skp Classes: Animation, AppObserver, ArcCurve, AttributeDictionaries, AttributeDictionary, Axes, Behavior, Camera, ClassificationSchema, Classifications, Color, ComponentDefinition, ComponentInstance, Console, ConstructionLine, ConstructionPoint, Curve, DefinitionList, DefinitionObserver, DefinitionsObserver, Dimension, DimensionLinear, DimensionObserver, DimensionRadial, Drawingelement, Edge, EdgeUse, Entities, EntitiesBuilder, EntitiesObserver, Entity, EntityObserver, Environment, Environments, EnvironmentsObserver, ExtensionsManager, Face, FrameChangeObserver, Group, Image, ImageRep, Importer, InputPoint, InstanceObserver, InstancePath, Layer, LayerFolder, Layers, LayersObserver, LineStyle, LineStyles, Loop, Material, Materials, MaterialsObserver, Menu, Model, ModelObserver, OptionsManager, OptionsProvider, OptionsProviderObserver, Overlay, OverlaysManager, Page, Pages, PagesObserver, PickHelper, RenderingOptions, RenderingOptionsObserver, SectionPlane, Selection, SelectionObserver, Set, ShadowInfo, ShadowInfoObserver, Snap, Style, Styles, Text, Texture, TextureWriter, Tool, Tools, ToolsObserver, UVHelper, Vertex, View, ViewObserver
Class Method Summary # collapse
.active_model ⇒ Sketchup::Model
The active_model method returns the currently active SketchUp model.
.add_observer(observer) ⇒ Boolean
The add_observer method is used to add an observer to the current object.
.app_name ⇒ String
The app_name method is used to retrieve the current application name.
.break_edges=(enabled) ⇒ Boolean
The break_edges= method can be used to disable or enable the break edges feature.
.break_edges? ⇒ Boolean
The break_edges? method indicates whether the break edges feature is currently turned on.
.create_texture_writer ⇒ Sketchup::TextureWriter
The create_texture_writer method is used to create a TextureWriter object.
.debug_mode=(enabled) ⇒ Boolean
The debug_mode= method lets you controls whether SketchUp will output warnings to the console when it detects incorrect usage of the API.
.debug_mode? ⇒ Boolean
The debug_mode? controls whether SketchUp will output warnings to the console when it detects incorrect usage of the API.
.display_name_from_action(action_name) ⇒ String
The display_name_from_action method is used to gets a user-friendly name from an action string.
.extensions ⇒ Sketchup::ExtensionsManager
Returns the ExtensionsManager where you can find all registered SketchupExtension objects.
.file_new ⇒ Module
The file_new method is used to create a new file.
.find_support_file(filename, directory) ⇒ String
The find_support_files method is used to retrieve the relative path and name of a file within the SketchUp installation directory.
.find_support_files(filename, directory) ⇒ Array<String>
The find_support_files method is used to retrieve the path and name of all matching files within the SketchUp installation directory.
.fix_shadow_strings=(enabled) ⇒ Boolean
The fix_shadow_strings= method lets you control whether shadow rendering attempts to fix an artifact commonly referred to as “strings”.
.fix_shadow_strings? ⇒ Boolean
The fix_shadow_strings? method indicates whether the a fix for a shadow rendering artifact commonly referred to as “strings” is enabled.
.focus ⇒ Object
The Sketchup.focus method is used to focus the active model window.
.format_angle(number) ⇒ String
The format_angle method takes a number as an angle in radians and formats it into degrees.
.format_area(number) ⇒ String
The Sketchup.format_area method formats a number as an area using the current units settings.
.format_degrees(number) ⇒ String
The format_degrees method formats a number as an angle given in degrees.
.format_length(*args) ⇒ String
The Sketchup.format_length method formats a number as a length using the current units settings.
.format_volume(number) ⇒ String
The Sketchup.format_volume method formats a number as a volume using the current units settings.
.get_datfile_info(key, default_value) ⇒ String
The get_datfile_info method is used to retrieve the value for the given key from Sketchup.dat.
.get_i18n_datfile_info(key, default_value) ⇒ String
The Sketchup.get_i18n_datfile_info method is used to retrieve the value for the given key from the internationalization file that SketchUp uses to work in multiple languages.
.get_locale ⇒ String
The os_language method returns the language code for the language SketchUp is running in.
.get_resource_path(filename) ⇒ String
The get_resource_path is used to retrieve the directory where “resource” files are stored by SketchUp.
.get_shortcuts ⇒ Array<String>
The get_shortcuts method retrieves an array of all keyboard shortcuts currently registered with SketchUp.
.install_from_archive(filepath, show_warning = true) ⇒ Boolean
Installs the contents of a ZIP archive file into SketchUp's Plugins folder.
.is_64bit? ⇒ Boolean
This methods indicates whether the host SketchUp application is 64bit.
.is_online ⇒ Boolean
The is_online method is used to verify a connection to the Internet.
.is_pro? ⇒ Boolean
Returns a boolean flag indicating whether the application is SketchUp Pro.
.is_valid_filename?(filename) ⇒ Boolean
The is_valid_filename? method is used to determine whether a filename contains illegal characters.
.load(path) ⇒ Boolean
The Sketchup.load method is used to load Ruby files.
.open_file(*args) ⇒ Object
The Sketchup.open_file method is used to open a SketchUp model.
.os_language ⇒ String
The os_language method returns the language code for the language SketchUp is running in.
.parse_length(string) ⇒ Float
The parse_length method parses a string as a length.
.platform ⇒ Symbol
This methods returns a symbol indicating the current platform.
.plugins_disabled=(enabled) ⇒ Boolean
The plugins_disabled= method lets you control whether SketchUp will load Ruby scripts from the plugins directory at startup time.
.plugins_disabled? ⇒ Boolean
The plugins_disabled? method indicates whether Ruby scripts in the plugins directory will be loaded at startup time.
.quit ⇒ Object
The quit method is used to terminate the application.
.read_default(section, variable, default = nil) ⇒ Object?
The #read_default method is used to retrieve the string associated with a value within the specified sub-section section of a .INI file or registry (within the Software > SketchUp > SketchUp [Version] section).
.redo ⇒ nil
The redo method is used redo the last transaction on the redo stack.
.register_extension(extension, load_on_start = false) ⇒ Boolean
The #register_extension method is used to register an extension with SketchUp's Extension Manager.
.register_importer(importer) ⇒ Boolean
The register_importer method is used to register an importer with SketchUp.
.remove_observer(observer) ⇒ Boolean
The remove_observer method is used to remove an observer from the current object.
.require(path) ⇒ Boolean
The Sketchup.require method is used to load Ruby files once.
.resize_viewport(*args) ⇒ Boolean
The Sketchup.resize_viewport method changes the pixel size of the viewport and SketchUp window.
.save_thumbnail(skp_filename, img_filename) ⇒ Boolean
The save_thumbnail method is used to generate a thumbnail for any SKP file - not necessarily the loaded model.
.send_action(action) ⇒ Boolean
The send_action method sends a message to the message queue to perform some action asynchronously.
.send_to_layout(file) ⇒ Boolean
The Sketchup.send_to_layout method is used to open a file in LayOut.
.set_status_text(*args) ⇒ Object
The set_status_text method is used to set the text appearing on the status bar within the drawing window.
.status_text=(status_text) ⇒ String
The status_text= method is used to set the text appearing on the status bar within the drawing window.
.temp_dir ⇒ String
The temp_dir method is used to retrieve the OS temporary directory for the current user.
.template ⇒ String
The template method is used to get the file name of the current template.
.template=(filename) ⇒ String
The template= method is used to set the file name of the current template.
.template_dir ⇒ String
The template_dir is used to retrieve the directory where templates are stored by the SketchUp install.
.undo ⇒ nil
The undo method is used undo the last transaction on the undo stack.
.vcb_label=(label_text) ⇒ String
The vcb_label= method is used to set the label that appears on the vcb, or the “value control box”, which is another word for the “measurements” text entry box that appears at the bottom on the SketchUp window.
.vcb_value=(value) ⇒ String
The vcb_value= method is used to set the value that appears on the vcb, or the “value control box”, which is another word for the “measurements” text entry box that appears at the bottom on the SketchUp window.
.version ⇒ String
Gets the current version of sketchup in decimal form.
.version_number(*args) ⇒ Integer
Get the current version of sketchup as a whole number for comparisons.
.write_default(section, key, value) ⇒ Boolean
The #write_default method is used to set the string associated with a variable within the specified sub-section of a .plist file on the Mac or the registry on Windows (within the Software > SketchUp > SketchUp [Version] section).
Class Method Details
↑ .active_model ⇒ Sketchup::Model
The active_model method returns the currently active SketchUp model. On the PC, this is the only model that one can have access to via the API, but Macintosh versions of SketchUp can have multiple models open at once, in which case the method will return the model that the user currently has focused.
↑ .add_observer(observer) ⇒ Boolean
The add_observer method is used to add an observer to the current object.
↑ .break_edges=(enabled) ⇒ Boolean
The break_edges= method can be used to disable or enable the break edges feature. Break edges is the SketchUp 7 feature that automatically splits edges that the user draws which cross over one another.
This feature is always on by default and cannot be disabled by the user via the user interface, but you can call this method to disable it. Be cautious in doing so, however, as the resulting model could then be altered when the user later draws lines into it with the break edges feature reactivated.
↑ .break_edges? ⇒ Boolean
The break_edges? method indicates whether the break edges feature is currently turned on. Break edges is the SketchUp 7 feature that automatically splits edges that the user draws which cross over one another. This feature is always on by default and cannot be disabled by the user via the user interface.
↑ .create_texture_writer ⇒ Sketchup::TextureWriter
The create_texture_writer method is used to create a TextureWriter object.
↑ .debug_mode=(enabled) ⇒ Boolean
Changing this value within your extension can cause problems for other extension developers who rely on the debug information for their own work. Only use this locally; never change this value in an extension you publish.
The debug_mode= method lets you controls whether SketchUp will output warnings to the console when it detects incorrect usage of the API. The setting takes effect right away, no need to restart SketchUp.
↑ .debug_mode? ⇒ Boolean
The debug_mode? controls whether SketchUp will output warnings to the console when it detects incorrect usage of the API.
↑ .display_name_from_action(action_name) ⇒ String
This method has been non-functional on Mac since SketchUp 8.
The display_name_from_action method is used to gets a user-friendly name from an action string. See Sketchup.send_action for a list of valid action strings.
↑ .extensions ⇒ Sketchup::ExtensionsManager
Returns the ExtensionsManager where you can find all registered SketchupExtension objects.
↑ .file_new ⇒ Module
The file_new method is used to create a new file.
↑ .find_support_file(filename, directory) ⇒ String
The find_support_files method is used to retrieve the relative path and name of a file within the SketchUp installation directory.
Forward slashes must be used to delimit between directory names.
↑ .find_support_files(filename, directory) ⇒ Array<String>
The find_support_files method is used to retrieve the path and name of all matching files within the SketchUp installation directory.
Forward slashes must be used to delimit between directory names.
↑ .fix_shadow_strings=(enabled) ⇒ Boolean
The fix_shadow_strings= method lets you control whether shadow rendering attempts to fix an artifact commonly referred to as “strings”. The fix is actually very model dependent and not controllable from the UI, so this method can be used to control it.
↑ .fix_shadow_strings? ⇒ Boolean
The fix_shadow_strings? method indicates whether the a fix for a shadow rendering artifact commonly referred to as “strings” is enabled. The fix is actually very model dependent and not controllable from the UI, so this method can be used to test it.
↑ .format_angle(number) ⇒ String
The format_angle method takes a number as an angle in radians and formats it into degrees. For example, format_angle(Math::PI) will return 180.0.
↑ .format_area(number) ⇒ String
The format_area method formats a number as an area using the current units settings.
The number
must be in square inches.
↑ .format_degrees(number) ⇒ String
The format_degrees method formats a number as an angle given in degrees. For example, 10 becomes 10.0. This is the equivalent to a to_f call.
↑ .format_length(number) ⇒ String .format_length(number, precision) ⇒ String
The format_length method formats a number as a length using the current units settings.
The default unit setting is inches. For example, 10 becomes 10“.
↑ .format_volume(number) ⇒ String
The format_volume method formats a number as a volume using the current units settings.
The number
must be in cubic inches.
↑ .get_datfile_info(key, default_value) ⇒ String
The get_datfile_info method is used to retrieve the value for the given key from Sketchup.dat.
If the key is not found, default_value is returned.
↑ .get_i18n_datfile_info(key, default_value) ⇒ String
The get_i18n_datfile_info method is used to retrieve the value for the given key from the internationalization file that SketchUp uses to work in multiple languages.
If the key
is not found, default_value
is returned.
↑ .get_locale ⇒ String
The os_language method returns the language code for the language SketchUp is running in. This is an alias for the get_locale method.
Examples of return values are: en-US, fr, it, de, es, ja, ko, zh-CN, zh-TW, pt-BR, nl, ru and sv. For an up to date list os supported languages, see the SketchUp download page.
↑ .get_resource_path(filename) ⇒ String
The get_resource_path is used to retrieve the directory where “resource” files are stored by SketchUp. Resource files include things like language localization files.
↑ .get_shortcuts ⇒ Array<String>
The get_shortcuts method retrieves an array of all keyboard shortcuts currently registered with SketchUp. Each shortcut is returned as a string with the shortcut and the command separated by a tab, similar to “Ctrl+A\tEdit/Select All”
↑ .install_from_archive(filepath, show_warning = true) ⇒ Boolean
Installs the contents of a ZIP archive file into SketchUp's Plugins folder. If the ZIP contains subfolders, these will be preserved. This allows for a Ruby API plugin or Extension developer to distribute their plugin as a single file regardless of how many asset files must be included.
The user will be shown a warning message that they must agree to before the install proceeds. If they do not agree, an Interrupt error will be raised. If the user does agree but there is a problem with the unzip process, an Exception will be raised. You can capture these states via a begin/rescue. See the example below.
If the install is successful, any Ruby files that have been added to the Plugins folder will immediately be executed, saving the user a restart.
To create an archive file, use your favorite tool (7zip, Winzip, etc.) to zip up any files and folders in your plugins directory. If the archive contains a SketchupExtension that you would like users to be able to install from the Preferences > Extensions panel, rename your file to have a .rbz file extension.
↑ .is_64bit? ⇒ Boolean
This methods indicates whether the host SketchUp application is 64bit. Useful for extensions that ship with binaries and need to determine which versions to load.
↑ .is_online ⇒ Boolean
The is_online method is used to verify a connection to the Internet. This method can take some time to execute, so be careful not to call it more often than you need.
↑ .is_pro? ⇒ Boolean
In SketchUp Make this method will return true
during the Pro trial period and revert to false
when the trial period is over.
Returns a boolean flag indicating whether the application is SketchUp Pro.
↑ .is_valid_filename?(filename) ⇒ Boolean
The is_valid_filename? method is used to determine whether a filename contains illegal characters.
↑ .load(path) ⇒ Boolean
The load method is used to load Ruby files. Unlike Ruby's own load
method it also supports SketchUp's encrypted .rbe files.
You do not need to include the file extension in the path. This method will look for .rb first (unencrypted) and then .rbe (encrypted) and finally .rbs (the deprecated scrambled format) files. See the “Distributing your Plugin” article for details.
↑ .open_file(filename) ⇒ Boolean .open_file(filename, with_status: true) ⇒ Integer, false
The open_file method is used to open a SketchUp model.
↑ .os_language ⇒ String
The os_language method returns the language code for the language SketchUp is running in. This is an alias for the get_locale method.
Examples of return values are: en-US, fr, it, de, es, ja, ko, zh-CN, zh-TW, pt-BR, nl, ru and sv. For an up to date list os supported languages, see the SketchUp download page.
↑ .parse_length(string) ⇒ Float
The parse_length method parses a string as a length.
For example, “200” becomes 200.0.
↑ .platform ⇒ Symbol
This methods returns a symbol indicating the current platform.
It should be used over RUBY_PLATFORM as this returns a different value for Windows since SketchUp 2014.
Older SketchUp versions still need to check RUBY_PLATFORM.include?('mswin')
or RUBY_PLATFORM.include?('darwin')
Possible return values:
↑ .plugins_disabled=(enabled) ⇒ Boolean
The plugins_disabled= method lets you control whether SketchUp will load Ruby scripts from the plugins directory at startup time. This is primarily a trouble-shooting method. If you are having strange behavior in SketchUp that you suspect is from a bad script, you can type Sketchup.plugins_disabled=true into the Ruby console and restart SketchUp to see if the problem is fixed.
↑ .plugins_disabled? ⇒ Boolean
The plugins_disabled? method indicates whether Ruby scripts in the plugins directory will be loaded at startup time.
↑ .quit ⇒ Object
The quit method is used to terminate the application. This will pop-up the usual model save prompts if there are unsaved models open. User can cancel the model save, in which case the application will not terminate.
↑ .read_default(section, variable, default = nil) ⇒ Object?
Be aware that the method is not capable of handling Length objects. You can convert the value to a Float before writing and convert back to Length when reading the value. Don't store the value as a String as this rounds the value and formats it in a way that can't be read if the system setting for decimal separator changes.
The #read_default method is used to retrieve the string associated with a value within the specified sub-section section of a .INI file or registry (within the Software > SketchUp > SketchUp [Version] section).
↑ .redo ⇒ nil
The redo method is used redo the last transaction on the redo stack.
↑ .register_extension(extension, load_on_start = false) ⇒ Boolean
It is recommended to set load_on_start
to true unless you have a very good reason not to.
The #register_extension method is used to register an extension with SketchUp's Extension Manager.
↑ .register_importer(importer) ⇒ Boolean
The register_importer method is used to register an importer with SketchUp.
↑ .remove_observer(observer) ⇒ Boolean
The remove_observer method is used to remove an observer from the current object.
↑ .require(path) ⇒ Boolean
The require method is used to load Ruby files once. Unlike Ruby's own require
method it also supports SketchUp's encrypted .rbe files.
You do not need to include the file extension in the path. This method will look for .rbe first (encrypted) and then .rbs (the deprecated scrambled format) and finally .rb (unencrypted) files. The loading order was changed in SketchUp 2016 when the new .rbe encryption was introduced. Prior to SketchUp 2016 the loading order was first .rb then .rbs.
↑ .resize_viewport(model, width, height) ⇒ Boolean .resize_viewport(model, width, height, logical_pixels: false) ⇒ Boolean
In SketchUp 2024.0 and later this method doesn't behave correctly in all cases on Windows. The passed values are internally converted to logical pixels, rounded and converted back to physical pixels. This means certain sizes, such as 1000 px at 150% scaling, cannot be accurately set.
As a workaround in you can use sizes that are evenly divisible with common scale factors, if you depend on pixel perfect sizes.
# Changes by 1 px :(
((1000/1.5).round * 1.5).round # => 1001
# Survives the round-trip :)
((1500/1.5).round * 1.5).round # => 1500
((1500/1.25).round * 1.25).round # => 1500
The resize_viewport method changes the pixel size of the viewport and SketchUp window. This can be useful for producing a consistent behavior in automatic testing, regardless of the display resolution.
↑ .save_thumbnail(skp_filename, img_filename) ⇒ Boolean
The save_thumbnail method is used to generate a thumbnail for any SKP file - not necessarily the loaded model.
↑ .send_action(action) ⇒ Boolean
The send_action method sends a message to the message queue to perform some action asynchronously.
Valid actions are:
Added in SketchUp 8.0+:
Added in SketchUp 2013+:
Removed in SketchUp 2013+:
On the PC only, you can also send these numeric values. (Note that these are officially “unsupported” and are not guaranteed to work in current or future versions of the API.)
10501: set view to Top
10502: set view to Front
10503: set view to Rear
10504: set view to Left
10505: set view to Right
10506: set view to Bottom
10507: set view to Axonometric
10510: set render mode to Wire
10511: set render mode to Hidden lines removal
10512: set render mode to Surfaces Shading
10513: set render mode to Transparency
10519: set camera to ortho (removes perspective)
10520: walk tool
10521: display the System Preferences dialog box (Files tab)
10522: removes axes display
10523: pan tool
10525: set the interactive eye height feature
10526: zoom window
10527: zoom extents
10529: zoom out 2
10531: toggle the Standard toolbar
10532: toggle the Camera toolbar
10533: display the Shadows Settings dialog box
10537: toggle the Views toolbar
10538: display the System Preferences dialog box (Display tab)
10545: toggle Shadows
10546: toggle Shadows toolbar
10551: toogle Large icons
10576: toggle Render Mode toolbar
21019: hide Status bar and VCB
21020: show Status bar and VCB
21022: hide Status bar and VCB
21023: place 3d text box
21024: select the Measure tool
21031: select the Freehand Draw tool
21041: select the PushPull tool
21048: select the Move tool
21052: hide selected objects
21056: create face with selected edges closed loop
21057: select the Protractor tool
21060: display Components Window
21061: toggle Draw toolbar
21063: toggle Model Bounding Box display
21065: select the Arc tool
21067: creat a new Page
21069: select the Arc 3 Point tool
21070: select the Arc 3 Point Pie tool
21074: show the Materials Browser Window
21076: display the Preferences dialog box (Text activated)
21077: display the Tip of the day Window
21078: select the Paint Bucket tool
21080: display the Page Manager Window
21082: display the Macros Dialog Box
21086: display the Components Browser Window
21094: select the Rectangle tool
21095: select the Polygon tool
21096: select the Circle tool
21098: open the Open Window
21100: select the Offset tool
21101: select all objects
21107: invert selection
21112: open the Import Window
21124: launch the validity check tool
21126: select the Axes tool
21029: select the Rotate tool
21032: toggle Layer toolbar
21036: display the Save as Window
21046: spin the model a full 360° and display report
21047: fast Pick Time report
21049: open the Export model Window
21169: select the Position Camera tool
21170: display the Preferences, Tour Guide activated
21180: create a new Page just right of selected page
21200: display the Insert Image Window
21233: display Area of selected face
21234: display Area of all faces with selected material
21236: select the Scale tool
21237: display the Export 2D Graphics Window
21245: display a Polygon Offset Factors dialog box
21276: reverse selected face(s)
21287: select the Divide feature
21337: select the Section Plane Placement tool
21354: open the Layer Window
21386: open the Export Animation Window
21405: select the Text tool
21406: display Fog dialog box
21410: select the Dim tool
21433: toggle Edit toolbar
21442: select the FollowMe tool
21448: select the Axes tool
21453: select all objects
21460: display Licence
21462: display Authorization dialog box
21463: display un-authorizing message
21464: display Open Licence files (Network) Window
21466: display Quick reference Card in Adobe Reader
21467: display Licences in use dialog box
21469: zoom extents to selected objects
21476: perform a non-planar check on selected objects
21477: list accelerators in window
21485: erase selected objects
21487: display Edit current material dialog box
21485: erase all new created pages
21488: display Entity Info Window
21490: display Soften Edges Window
21491: display Profiles
21492: display Extended Edges
21493: display Jitter Lines
21494: select Field of view tool
21513: display the outliner
21520: override Tile Rendering Size dialog box
21525: select the FollowMe tool
21542: display the Insert Image Window
21560 and up: causes a runtime Error
↑ .send_to_layout(file) ⇒ Boolean
The send_to_layout method is used to open a file in LayOut.
↑ .set_status_text ⇒ nil .set_status_text(status_text = '', position = SB_PROMPT) ⇒ nil
The set_status_text method is used to set the text appearing on the status bar within the drawing window.
If no arguments are passed, the status bar content is cleared. Valid positions are:
SB_PROMPT - the text will appear at the left-side of the status bar
SB_VCB_LABEL - the text will appear in place of the VCB label
SB_VCB_VALUE - the text will appear in the VCB
↑ .status_text=(status_text) ⇒ String
The status_text= method is used to set the text appearing on the status bar within the drawing window.
This is the same as calling set_status_text with a 2nd parameter of SB_PROMPT.
↑ .temp_dir ⇒ String
The temp_dir method is used to retrieve the OS temporary directory for the current user. You can use this directory to write temporary files that are not required to persist between SketchUp sessions.
↑ .template ⇒ String
The template method is used to get the file name of the current template. Templates are the .skp files that are loaded when the user select File > New.
↑ .template=(filename) ⇒ String
The template= method is used to set the file name of the current template. Templates are the .skp files that are loaded when the user select File > New.
↑ .template_dir ⇒ String
The template_dir is used to retrieve the directory where templates are stored by the SketchUp install. Templates are the .skp files that are loaded when the user select File > New.
↑ .undo ⇒ nil
The undo method is used undo the last transaction on the undo stack.
↑ .vcb_label=(label_text) ⇒ String
The vcb_label= method is used to set the label that appears on the vcb, or the “value control box”, which is another word for the “measurements” text entry box that appears at the bottom on the SketchUp window.
This is the same as calling set_status_text with a 2nd parameter of SB_VCB_LABEL.
↑ .vcb_value=(value) ⇒ String
The vcb_value= method is used to set the value that appears on the vcb, or the “value control box”, which is another word for the “measurements” text entry box that appears at the bottom on the SketchUp window.
This is the same as calling set_status_text with a 2nd parameter of SB_VCB_VALUE.
↑ .version_number(*args) ⇒ Integer
Get the current version of sketchup as a whole number for comparisons. The number returned has the major, minor, and build values packed into an integer value as follows:
Major version = X
Minor version = Y
Build number = Z
SketchUp 6.0 - SketchUp 2015
SketchUp 2016+
↑ .write_default(section, key, value) ⇒ Boolean
Be aware that the method is not capable of handling Length objects. You can convert the value to a Float before writing and convert back to Length when reading the value. Don't store the value as a String as this rounds the value and formats it in a way that can't be read if the system setting for decimal separator changes.
The #write_default method is used to set the string associated with a variable within the specified sub-section of a .plist file on the Mac or the registry on Windows (within the Software > SketchUp > SketchUp [Version] section).